Eildon Housing Association is celebrating the impressive achievement of reaching the Gold standard through the internationally recognised Investors in People framework. The Association was assessed as having reached the Gold level for both the overall framework and also as an ‘Investors in You
Maryhill Housing staff and customers have celebrated the opening of a brand new community space.
Duns Youth Centre has been given a makeover thanks to Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA) and its Community Benefits Fund. The Centre has a new coat of paint both inside and out with the work being carried out by BHA’s painting contractor Novus.
An investigation by a campaign group has found that one homeless person dies every 19 hours on average. Research by the Museum of Homelessness (MoH) suggested that 235 people “affected by homelessness” had died in the last six months.
People with disabilities will have more choice in how they apply for benefits when the Scottish Government takes responsibility for Disability Assistance next year.
A West Midlands housing association is aiming to become the first in the UK to build virtually plastic-free houses in its attempts to reduce the amount of plastic used during construction.
A new report has shown that West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership (WDHSCP) is performing well in providing services to children, adults and elderly residents in the area.
The average price of a property in Scotland in June 2019 was £151,891 – an increase of 1.3% on June in the previous year, the latest statistics from the UK House Price Index (HPI) have shown.
Manor Estates Housing Association has appointed Claire Ironside as chief executive following the retirement of previous CEO Graeme Russell. Currently director of customer services at Port of Leith Housing Association, Claire brings a broad range of experience gained from a variety of roles both with
Leigh Grubb is to join Caledonia Housing Association as its new director of finance and governance. A qualified chartered accountant and former chief operating officer, Leigh has over 20 years’ experience within the financial services industry, including a number of senior management positions
The fifth round of the Ofgem Energy Redress Scheme will reopen for applications on August 19 with £10 million available, the largest amount being accessible to support vulnerable energy consumers.
The Scottish Government has published revised guidance for local authorities who prepare Strategic Housing Investment Plans (SHIPs).
A family of five is looking ahead to a new life after moving into their new council house in North Sighthill. The home is one of 316 being built at the Edinburgh regeneration project, which consists of 96 council homes, 88 for mid-market rent and 132 for private sale.
North Lanarkshire Council is seeking input on the development of its new housing strategy and shaping future services. The council is inviting residents to complete a survey that will play a part in developing housing's services and have the opportunity to link in with like-minded people.
Ochil View Housing Association provided a paid internship opportunity to two local school pupils to gain valuable “real life” experience of working in the social sector. Jennifer McNeil and Kiera McMahon, who are pupils at St Modan’s High School and Alloa Academy respectively, were