The Easterhouse Housing & Regeneration Alliance (EHRA) has said it was overwhelmed by the numbers of visitors to its 2019 community festival, held at platform @the bridge in Easterhouse.
A fun-packed and free six-week long activity programme for kids in Castlemilk has been hailed a huge success. Ardenglen Housing Association hosted the extravaganza of fun during the holidays with a firm emphasis on healthy eating.
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) has called for an urgent investigation into the sanctions system as new figures released by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) today reveal a quarter of a million people across the UK have been sanctioned under Universal Credit.
Almost three-quarters of people across Great Britain believe there’s a housing crisis and more than half think not enough attention is being paid to it, according to a new poll.
James Gibb Residential Factors has acquired Life Property Management (lpm) in a significant deal to create Scotland’s second-largest factoring business.
Whiteburn Projects will host the first of two public consultation events this month to update the local community of its plans for a residential development in Kirkcaldy. An aerial view of the Loughborough Road site
A landlord who failed to pay a tenancy deposit into an approved deposit scheme until four years into the tenancy has been unsuccessful in challenging a payment order.
The site of a former primary school in the south side of Glasgow has been transformed into 45 new affordable homes. The Lowther Homes mid-market development in Batson Street, Govanhill – built by contractors CCG (Scotland) Ltd – is on the site of the old Victoria Primary School, which wa
Hawthorn Housing Co-operative has officially opened a development of 48 new homes in Possilpark. The homes have been built on land that has been derelict for more than 30 years.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has published a new report which explores awareness and experiences of tenant participation and access to digital services. Presenting feedback from members of the National Panel of Tenants and Service Users, which is now in its sixth year, the report shows widespread
Prospect Community Housing has been awarded the Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation. Cyber Essentials is a simple but effective government-backed scheme that helps protect organisations against a whole range of the most common cyber-attacks.
A new Cassiltoun Housing Association development of 42 homes has provided employment opportunities for five local people thanks to its work with Cruden Building and Renewals Ltd. Whilst working on the Association’s Barlia 3 development, two local apprentices completed their
Urgent action is required to transform the way Scottish homes are heated amid the climate emergency, according to the Scottish Greens.
Queen Margaret University’s Dr Geetha Marcus, senior lecturer, psychology, sociology and education, will join Val McDermid and guests on stage at The Edinburgh International Book Festival on August 15 to explore the many forms of homelessness including sleeping rough, sofa surfing, living in c
Cruden Group has continued its commitment to developing Scotland’s young workforce and tackling the skills shortage within the construction industry as it welcomes this year’s intake of thirteen new apprentices.