Residents have received an additional £5 million in annual financial gains thanks to the welfare rights service at Hillhead Housing Association. The service, which started in August 2005, reached this milestone this month with more than £5m having been generated for residents in Hillhead
Housing minister Kevin Stewart has met with Falkirk Council’s head of housing services to hear about the work being done to combat empty homes in the area.
A car club which is driving up eco-friendly motoring in Renfrewshire has been given a huge boost. Linstone Housing is charging ahead with two new electric cars for its highly-successful Car Club which frees local people from the costs of car ownership.
A unique project where customers of Cloch Housing Association can hire electric bikes free of charge was visited by cabinet secretary for transport, infrastructure and connectivity, Michael Mathieson, this week. The Inverclyde Ebike Sharing Project is a collaboration between Community Tracks Invercl
The City of Edinburgh Council has agreed a timetable to progress its next local development plan.
Stirling Council has launched a new funding programme to support the development of dementia-friendly communities across the region.
Bield, Housing and Care has chosen its successor to chief executive Brian Logan. Dr Lynne Douglas will take the reins after Mr Logan stepped down following nine years in the role to take up a new challenge as chief executive of Capability Scotland.
Fife Housing Group has secured a £65 million funding package from Royal Bank of Scotland.
Eildon Housing is to undertake an “exciting” new building project which will deliver warmer, cheaper, affordable homes while also considering the future of house building and its impact on the environment. The Association is investing millions of pounds as part of its strategy to make su
Stewart Milne Homes has become the sixth housebuilder to sign-up for the Shawfair project after developers behind the new town concluded the sale of a 16.1-acre (6.5-hectare) plot of land.
Cloch Housing Association hosted a very successful Recruit Challenge at Port Glasgow Schools Campus.
Fairfield Housing Co-operative is the latest social landlord to sign up for the Perth and Kinross Common Housing Register (CHR). Around 600 Fairfield Housing Co-operative properties have been added to the CHR, joining properties let by other local social landlords Perth & Kinross Council, Caledo
The first phase of a seven-year bathroom replacement programme for about 6,500 homes across Angus is set to begin.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has officially opened a new £6 million project which uses cutting-edge renewables technology to harness energy from waste water.
Campaigners disrupted the Serco-operated Caledonian Sleeper rail service last night to protest against the contractor’s lock-changes on 300 asylum seekers and refugees in Glasgow.