One million more young adults are living with their parents than a year ago, according to Office for National Statistics (ONS) estimates.
CALA Homes (West) has commenced work on a major new Glasgow city centre development.
Caledonia Housing Association has invested in Appello’s digital telecare solution to support its digital inclusion strategy for older people. Aiming to promote social inclusion and combat loneliness, the housing provider is introducing Appello’s Smart Living Solutions (SLS) in one of its
Hillcrest Housing Association is set to begin a 119 new home development programme costing £13 million in Dundee's City Quay next month.
Plans to create over 1,850 waterfront homes in the north of Edinburgh are set to go ahead as early this autumn following a planning appeal.
Queen's Cross Housing Association and Southside Housing Association have secured funding for community nature boosts in Hamiltonhill and Queensland Community park.
Elderpark Housing committee member Elspeth Millen has retired from the association after 23 years of service.
Bancon Construction has secured a raft of new contracts worth more than £20 million, including affordable housing wins in Inverness and Angus. The company has been awarded affordable housing contracts in Inverness with Albyn Housing for 46 units at Torbreck and 36 units at Kinmylies for Highla
Ahead of this year's Scottish Housing Day on September 18th, CIH Scotland national director Callum Chomczuk explores the possibilities for creating a human rights based approach to housing in Scotland in this new blog. Scottish Housing Day is about celebrating the impact that housing makes to the li
Veterans Minister Graeme Day has visited a development for disabled veterans being built in East Lothian.
Housing disputes with a tenant is a difficult time for everyone involved, particularly if there is an ongoing relationship between landlord and tenant to consider. Everyone is seeking a fair outcome and a strong process that will enable this to happen, but at the same time it is important that the d
Ochil View Housing Association's annual review has revealed that the Association's Tenancy Sustainment Service secured almost £1.7 million for tenants during 2018/2019.
One in ten properties in Edinburgh city centre are listed on Airbnb, according to a new investigation.
Brodies partner Neil Collar outlines how retirement living is addressed in the Planning (Scotland) Bill, which received Royal Assent last month. Retirement living – meeting the housing needs for older people – is addressed in the plan-making provisions in the Planning (Scotland) Bill.
Homelessness charity YPeople held its first family mentoring session this month as part of its 'intandem' mentoring project.