Rodney Whyte, partner and specialist in residential land development at Pinsent Masons, looks at how Scots law is holding back "later living" developments. There are almost 12 million people aged 65 and above in the UK, and that demographic is forecast to grow by an additional 8.6 million people ove
ng homes has worked in partnership with the University of Glasgow over the past eight years to deliver the Activate Community Development programme in North Glasgow. Youth Activate students celebrate after completing the Community Development programme at Glasgow University
Manchester City Council has introduced a ban to prevent buyers of homes at a new development from sub-letting the properties or selling them to private landlords.
The 'No Evictions' movement fighting against the Serco evictions of people living in asylum accommodation has created a fundraiser GoFundMe page with the monetary aim of reaching £1,000 to aid their campaign.
After a century of flight to the suburbs, urban living has come into vogue for a variety of reasons. Queensberry Properties’ sales and marketing director, Hazel Davies, explores further. For much of the 20th century, living in the heart of a city was unfashionable and even somewhat undesirable
This week Channel 4 aired a programme in which architect and television presenter George Clarke aimed to highlight the current 'British Council House Scandal'. It discussed the current housing crisis which is crippling the UK and Clarke launched his campaign to instigate a 'Council Housing Revolutio
Homeless charity Bethany Christian Trust is hosting a vintage fair at this year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival in an attempt to provide aid to homeless people in the city. The Trust has initiated a campaign to encourage visitors to the festival to 'shop to stop homelessness' by attending a fair at its
Trade body the British Pest Control Association (BPCA) is flagging up safety issues surrounding wasps in social housing environments.
Serious organisational and financial failings led to Kincardine Housing Co-operative (KHC) becoming the first RSL to have its assets directly transferred to another association, the Scottish Housing Regulator has said.
A new canal side development of 234 new homes for rent above six commercial units has been granted planning permission by the City of Edinburgh Council.
Staff at Grampian Housing Association’s leasing subsidiary, Let’s Choose, are celebrating after receiving excellent feedback from their tenants in an independent survey.
Maggie Brünjes, who leads the Homeless Network, previews the charity’s upcoming annual conference and welcomes the SFHA as event partner.
A new Self-Assurance Toolkit for all social housing providers and local authorities has been published by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA). The toolkit updates the self-assessment guidance produced by SFHA in 2018, in order to reflect changes made to the Regulatory Framework in
With the private rented sector now the second-largest tenure in the UK, improving standards has risen up the agenda. This new report sees Professor Alex Marsh and Professor Ken Gibb explore the substantial changes in regulation in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The UK private rented
Planning permission has been granted for the sensitive redevelopment of one of south Edinburgh’s best-known buildings and site of a former school for the blind.