A family who had been renting privately in unsuited accommodation in the north of Glasgow have spoken of their joy after moving into a specially-adapted home with Elderpark Housing. Two of the Khan family’s children have particular health requirements so finding a suitable property had proven
Work is set to start on urgently-needed affordable homes in a prime Leith location thanks to the efforts of three locally-based organisations.
Aberdeenshire Council is to update its housing allocation policy to take account of changes introduced by the Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 and a move towards reducing timescales for rehousing tenants. The authority currently has around 13,000 properties for rent and plans to invest more than £1
Energy watchdog Ofgem has fined Utilita Energy £175,000 after the provider failed to meet its carbon reduction obligations under the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme between 2015 and 2018.
A council tenant has been evicted and ordered to pay more than £100,000 for illegally subletting his council flat in London as a holiday home through Airbnb.
Brunton Design has had its plans for a mixed-use development on Dundee’s Marketgait recommended for approval.
A new energy project is to be developed in the former mining town of Cumnock, once a powerhouse of coal production in Scotland.
Scots predict the eco homes of the future will have a giant battery to store energy from the sun and include windows which adapt to light to keep your home hot or cold without the need for heating or air conditioning.
Halliday Fraser Munro design associate Isla Jappy discusses the future challenges for affordable housing in Scotland.
Two people have been evicted from Serco properties in Glasgow as the private contractor began its mass lock-change policy on asylum seekers in the city.
Williamsburgh Housing Association said goodbye this week to its first and only director, who has been in the job for a remarkable 40 years. Gordon Williamson is retiring after overseeing the 40th anniversary celebrations for the Association, saying it “was the right time to go”. Gordon h
The Scottish Housing Regulator has today opened recruitment to its list of statutory managers.
Terrie Alafat CBE has today announced she will retire as chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) at the end of November. Current deputy chief executive Gavin Smart will then become CIH’s chief executive.
Councillors are expected to give the green light to mixed-use proposals to regenerate the site of the old Fountainbridge Brewery site in Edinburgh.
Housing minister Kevin Stewart MSP has officially opened Castlehill Housing Association’s development at Maidencraig on the Lang Stracht in Aberdeen. Built by Bancon Homes, the development consists of 36 two and three bed houses with their own garden and ample parking spaces nearby.