Former National Housing Federation chief executive David Orr has been appointed as the new chair of Clarion’s housing association arm. Clarion Housing is the UK’s largest social landlord, with 125,000 homes and 350,000 residents across the country.
Aberdeenshire housebuilder Snowdrop Developments has joined the growing list of developers to deliver homes at Scotland’s largest planned new town.
Scottish charity Ypeople has announced the appointment of Dr Emily Pathe as a new specialist counselling psychologist to support its work with people experiencing homelessness. Dr Pathe, a member of the health & homelessness team at NHS Lanarkshire, will be based at the charity’s Pathways
Edinburgh-based homelessness charity Cyrenians has set an ambitious target to redistribute more than one million meals through its FareShare depot this year to those most in need.
Older people in Stirlingshire have been tackling loneliness and dementia through the power of sport.
With the recent changes to BS 5839-6:2019, Aico – the UK’s market leader in domestic mains powered Fire and Carbon Monoxide Alarms - has condensed the information into a pocket-sized guide.
Next month the Women’s EuroHockey Championship II is coming to Glasgow. It will see some top international hockey teams competing including Scotland!
Eildon Housing Association has pledged to unveil alternative proposals to develop new affordable homes at Tweedbridge Court in Peebles after its initial plans were rejected by the Scottish Government. The Association had acquired and demolished vacant buildings at the site and submitted plans to Sco
A Glasgow MP has presented a Bill to the UK Parliament this week to protect asylum seekers from eviction.
A ground-breaking project which will allow North Ayrshire residents to build their own houses on ready-made plots has been launched by the local authority.
Work to regenerate the rundown Clune Park estate in Port Glasgow is making "steady progress", Inverclyde Council has said.
Social landlords are leading the way in terms of the energy efficiency standards of homes in Scotland, but more work lies ahead to satisfy a new level of expectation, writes Stephen Herriot. The issue of climate change has been creeping up the political agenda in recent months, prompted in part by h
Penalties imposed by Revenue Scotland (RS) over the late filing of a land and buildings transaction tax (LBTT) return have been quashed after the tax agency failed to produce evidence that it had taken a decision to impose the penalties, as required by legislation.
The Scottish Housing Regulator launched its new website yesterday following a beta testing phase.
A significant change was made to the Inverness skyline by Morrison Construction after the installation of a 20-tonne tower crane.