Tenants in Cumnock have been getting into the party spirit to mark the 25th anniversary of their retirement development. Bield’s Glebe Court kicked off its birthday celebrations with an afternoon tea and BBQ on July 13 to honour the quarter of a century milestone.
An 84-year-old West Lothian man is proving that being funny really can help raise money by releasing a charity joke book. Bill Townley, who lives at Bield’s Brae Court in Linlithgow, has decided to put his wit to good use by writing ‘You Can’t Beat a Good Laugh’ in aid of Che
Community land buying powers have not been used since they were brought in a year ago, prompting claims the law is not “fit for purpose”.
Two of Scotland’s biggest advice charities have agreed to work closer together to provide the best ever network of debt advice across the country.
Fourteen more towns and cities across the UK, including Inverness, are being prepared for full fibre deployment by wholesale full fibre infrastructure provider CityFibre.
A Hawick-based social enterprise which works with adults with physical and learning disabilities has been awarded a four-year contract to maintain gardens at homeless temporary accommodation in the Scottish Borders. Borders Green Team Manager David Oliver, Councillor Mark Rowley (responsible for hou
The proportion of homes let by a company landlord in the UK has been rising steadily since 2016 to reach the highest level in eight years, according to new figures. Percentage of homes let by company landlords in Great Britain. Source: Hamptons International
CIH Scotland has welcomed proposals for a flexible regulatory system for short-term lets that would balance the needs of local residents and visitors, but has raised concerns about how a new system would be monitored and enforced. The housing body said the rise of online platforms such as Airbnb in
The City of Edinburgh Council has set out its case for a licensing regime to be introduced for properties being rented out for more than 28 days in a calendar year.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has published a revised engagement plan for Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership. DGHP appointed an interim chief executive last year following an investigation which identified serious weaknesses in relation to organisational culture, management and leadership.
Kilbarchan in Renfrewshire is to receive a £2.8 million housing boost in the shape of 18 new homes from Williamsburgh Housing Association. The much-needed affordable homes for rent are being built in the popular village at Milliken Road.
Four men with learning disabilities have seen their lives transformed over the past year thanks to a unique Fochabers partnership involving Osprey Housing Moray, Moray Council and service provider Community Integrated Care (CIC). All four left a care home in the town in April 2018 to move into their
Local government, housing and planning minister, Kevin Stewart MSP, visited the Northfield area of Aberdeen last week to see how the Scottish Government’s Decarbonisation Fund is helping Grampian Housing Association implement energy efficiency measures. The Association’s homes are the fi
Kingdom Housing Association has received the Silver Healthy Working Lives Award just two years after enrolling in the programme designed to improve health, safety and wellbeing at work leading to a healthier, happier and more productive workforce. In 2017, Kingdom registered with Healthy Working Liv
Wheatley Group has launched a new scheme to help its customers make their money go further.