The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has shortlisted a social housing development for its most prestigious prize for the first time. Goldsmith Street in East Anglia has been designed by Mikhail Riches with Cathy Hawley for Norwich City Council.
Edinburgh-based developer Whiteburn Projects has unveiled proposals to convert a former school in Kirkcaldy to deliver around 100 new homes. An aerial view of the Loughborough Road site
Half a dozen of the comedy world’s finest rib-ticklers have signed-up to bring in the laughs and the cash for Shelter Scotland at this year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
Capital Credit Union has announced a formal partnership with one of Scotland’s leading social care charities to provide access to ethical financial services to its staff. The Edinburgh-based credit union has launched an official link with Carr Gomm, an organisation with over 1,000 staff.
New Gorbals Housing Association has promised to reverse any attempt by Serco to change locks on its properties as part of efforts to prevent the eviction of asylum seekers in Glasgow.
Wednesday was a big day at Weslo Housing Management when the curtain was brought down for three board members following a successful Annual General Meeting. Operationally, the main change was the introduction of Ken Tudhope to the board of directors as the new finance director. Ken replaces Douglas
Williamsburgh Housing Association is celebrating 40 years of improving housing for thousands of families. The Association has spent four decades at the forefront of housing in Renfrewshire growing substantially from its small beginning in the east end of Paisley.
The biggest council housebuilding programme in Aberdeen in more than half a century has taken another major step forward as plans progressed for 283 new homes. First Endeavour LLP is set to deliver the housing units at Wellheads Road in Dyce after entering an agreement with Aberdeen City Council.
Jane Mackinnon, a former long-standing Hebridean Housing Partnership (HHP) board member, officially opened Corran Cismaol at Castlebay in Barra this week. Calmax Construction Limited, which employed several local contractors, went on-site in June 2018, with housing minister Kevin Stewart in Castleba
Scottish Land & Estates (SLE) has called on the Scottish Government to ensure local authorities have the powers to apply any new regulations for short-term lets to only those areas that have recognised issues with anti-social behaviour or a housing shortage. The rural business organisation has w
Housing minister Kevin Stewart has seen first-hand the impact of Housing First during a visit to a Salvation Army-run hub in Glasgow.
English housing association Accent Group has priced a £225 million public bond at a coupon rate of 2.625% with a further £125m retained for future sale.
Citizens Advice Scotland has welcomed a new report which argues that the rapidly-changing energy market across the UK means there is a need for new measures to protect consumers.
The Scottish Land Commission has launched a new survey seeking views of communities across Scotland about community engagement in decisions relating to land.
Employers in Voluntary Housing (EVH) is celebrating its outstanding contribution to Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS) after more than a decade of dedicated fundraising.