Keith Anderson, chief executive of Port of Leith Housing Association, has announced his intention to retire after leading the organisation for 11 years. Mr Anderson will continue in his post until May 2020 to ensure a smooth transition period.
Cadder Housing Association is saddened to report the loss of its vice-chair Ruby Hunter, who passed away on Monday 15 July 2019. Ruby was a committed member of the Association with the well-being of the people of Cadder at her heart.
An additional £9 million of funding will be provided to local authorities to prevent homelessness and help people into more permanent accommodation.
A stable block which was home to dozens of working horses in Glasgow has been transformed into 52 new flats for mid-market rent. GHA and Lowther Homes, both part of Wheatley Group, are behind the £7 million regeneration project which has put life back into the B-listed Bell Street Stables in t
Homeless Action Scotland’s Garry Burns calls on individuals with lived experience to get involved with the Scottish Government’s homelessness consultations with a pledge to offer support to anyone who requires it. Homeless Action Scotland is the country’s membership organisation fo
ng homes and African Challenge Scotland have strengthened their ongoing partnership to deliver a unique work experience programme for young people in North Glasgow. (from left) ng homes CEO Robert Tamburrini, Gervais Hameni, HR officer Olivia Friary, depute director (corporate services) Tony Sweeney
Barrhead Housing Association (BHA) has revealed the results of a participatory budgeting community voting event it hosted.
The sun was shining for Kingdom Housing Association’s fifth Summer Gathering at the Active Kids Adventure Park in Stanley in Perthshire.
Tenancy deposit protection scheme SafeDeposits Scotland brought together professionals from across the private rented sector to raise more than £900 for Edinburgh-based youth homelessness charity, the Rock Trust. Held on July 5 at Glasgow’s Committee Room No 9, a quiz was attended by mor
CaCHE director Professor Ken Gibb shares his reflections on the annual report from the Scottish Government’s Joint Housing Policy Working Group. On 9th July The Scottish Government published its new vision and principles statement for housing, which aims to inform a route map fo
Permission is being sought to demolish the outbuildings at the old McEwen's homeware store and cafe in Perth to make way for dozens of new homes.
CIH Scotland has welcomed the publication of revised fire safety guidance for landlords but called for the Scottish Government to ensure that fire safety messages for residents are clear and consistent in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017. Responding to the Scottish Government consultation
Existing duties on residents to avoid blocking stairwells and other common areas aren’t policed or enforced and so are ineffective, according to the Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations (GWSF). Responding to the Scottish Government’s consultation on fire safety in h
A “magnificent” £6.2 million housing project is set to spark the regeneration of the West End of Paisley. Sanctuary Homes has transformed the site of Wellmeadow Street’s former Co-Op supermarket with 39 affordable properties, 24 flats and 15 houses for social rent.
East Renfrewshire's new council houses were officially opened yesterday by housing minister Kevin Stewart MSP, marking the first housing builds by the local authority for a generation.