Tenants have now moved into Symington’s first affordable housing development which was created by West of Scotland Housing Association (WSHA) in conjunction with the contracts division of MacTaggart & Mickel. For some of the new residents, including John Muir, the homes have been life-chan
The Chartered Institute of Housing and ITN Productions Industry News have co-produced a news and current affairs-style programme exploring the challenges and triumphs of the housing sector.
New Loretto tenant Geraldine Skelly has said she “thanks her lucky stars” for her new home in the south side of Glasgow. With a communal lift and fully-level access in her block in Shawbridge Street, Geraldine, who uses a mobility scooter, said being able to come and go as she pleases ma
The mystery shopping group from NETRALT (North East Tenants, Residents and Landlords Together) has beaten finalists from across Scotland for a prestigious trophy at a national awards ceremony. The TIS National Excellence Awards: Inspire to Achieve, in association with the Scottish Government, took p
More than 50 tenants at a Viewpoint Housing Association property rallied together to raise an amazing £1,379 pounds for the Marie Curie Hospice in Edinburgh.
Williamsburgh Housing Association (WHA) held a community fun day at Mckerrell Street Play Park earlier this month.
As the deadline draws near for social housing providers, third sector and community organisations to procure the services of electric vehicle car clubs, free workshops and a webinar have been released to support prospective applicants develop their proposals in line with desired programme outcomes.
A consultation proposing that new-build homes in England are fitted with an electric car chargepoint by 2050 has been launched by the UK Government.
The average price of a property in Scotland in May 2019 increased by 2.8% on the previous year to reach £152,801, the UK House Price Index (HPI) has shown.
Glasgow law centres, advice agencies and charities have come together to prevent the eviction of Glasgow asylum seekers. Private housing provider Serco sought to begin a series of lock-change evictions at accommodation housing more than 300 asylum seekers in the city last week.
Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA) and award-winning practice Collective Architecture will deliver a travelling exhibition to support the Scottish Government’s consultation on the future for housing in Scotland.
Ochil View Housing Association welcomed its 1,400th tenant last month following the completion of its latest new housing development at Millers Lade Avenue, Sauchie. Housing services officer Marian Kelley along with chief executive George Tainsh visited the Outersons where the family were all happy
Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA) is proposing to transform a vacant piece of land into a vibrant sensory garden for Community Integrated Care (CIC) residents at Station Court in Duns.
By Shelter Scotland campaigns & policy officer Aoife Deery In any role, it is important to step back and consider what the change is that you’re trying to make. My last few blogs have touched on the movement and momentum happening in the homelessness and housing sector, and amid such devel
Barratt Homes has tabled an amendment to a planned development on the site of Aberdeen’s former Royal Cornhill Hospital after issues were raised by NHS Grampian.