Glasgow construction firm City Building has given its backing to a nationwide initiative to help victims of domestic violence. Women’s Aid and the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance have joined forces with the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) to pioneer the Make A Stand pledge, an initiative
Scotland’s public health body should have more explicit connections with the planning system so that place-making can play a more preventative role in creating healthier communities, according to RTPI Scotland.
Argyll and Bute Council has been awarded a grant of more than £1.7 million from the Scottish Government's Home Energy Efficiency Programmes for Scotland: Area Based Scheme (HEEPS: ABS).
Homelessness charities have raised concerns that a nationalist far-right group is targeting some of Glasgow's most vulnerable people with their propaganda. An image posted by Generation Identity Scotland on Twitter
Families affected by domestic abuse as well as isolation and loneliness are among those to benefit from more than £2 million in lottery funding across Scotland.
More is being asked of housing associations, co-operatives and local authorities when it comes to complying with the Scottish Housing Regulator’s (SHR) regulatory requirements. The latest is self-assurance – organisations assuring the SHR they comply with those requirements.
The Ei3018 mains powered Carbon Monoxide Alarm from Aico - the UK’s market leader in domestic Fire and Carbon Monoxide Alarms – brings together the company’s very latest technologies into one alarm for exceptional protection. At the heart of the Ei3018 Carbon Monoxide Alarm is Aico
Fire safety is to be strengthened in new high-rise buildings and facilities for people with disabilities improved in larger new buildings.
Homeless Action Scotland CEO Gavin Yates on the impending cuts to homeless services in Glasgow.
Kingdom Housing Association has marked its 40th anniversary with a visit by board members, tenants, management, staff reps and other stakeholders and partners to on-site building projects in Ballingry and Perth that will deliver 150 homes for social rent. Kingdom was registered as a housing associat
A new Fife Council affordable homes development at the former Burntisland Primary School has been awarded a gold certificate in the Secure By Design Award by Police Scotland. The police ‘Secured by Design’ (SBD) scheme, brings together police, landowners, housing associations, local coun
Scotland’s renewable electricity output soared in the first half of the year to provide enough energy to power all homes from across Scotland and north of England, according to new figures.
McGill Homes’ plan to convert a Grade B listed building on Dundee’s waterfront into residential properties has moved forward with the submission of a formal application.
A petition has been lodged in the Scottish Parliament to ensure crafting tenancies are exempt from local authority financial assessments for care charges.
Regeneration company Urban Union is ensuring children can enjoy the most important meal of the day by supporting a summer breakfast club run in North Edinburgh. The housebuilder is working with Muirhouse Library to provide a nutritious breakfast Monday-Saturday, 10.30-11.30am, throughout the summer