Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership (DGHP) has confirmed that it will progress plans to form a constitutional partnership with Wheatley Group. Earlier this year DGHP invited expressions of interest from other housing organisations to form a partnership and three submissions were considered.
Eildon Housing Association has secured a £40 million private placement deal with the Pension Insurance Corporation (PIC), the major investor’s first private placement with a Scottish housing association.
A draft vision of how Scotland’s housing system should look and feel in 2040 has been published by the Scottish Government ahead of a formal consultation in the autumn.
A pilot scheme to transfer working tax credit claimants to Universal Credit should not proceed until there is more clarity around what it will mean for those affected, a Scottish Parliament committee has warned. MSPs on Holyrood’s social security committee called on the Department for Work and
The first planning application for over 500 homes in the new masterplanned neighbourhood of Findrassie has received consent from Moray Council, enabling the sale of its first phase to Barratt Homes to complete this week.
Plans have been lodged to build 32 homes on the site of a former Dundee school on behalf of Angus Housing Association. Located on the north side of Fintry Terrace, the site was formerly occupied by the former Longhaugh Primary School which was demolished in March 2019.
A law designed to protect the deposits of private tenants across Scotland has been breached by more than 200 landlords in the last 18 months, new figures have revealed.
Highland Housing Alliance has handed over the final phase of seven new homes at Balgate Mill to the Highland Council.
Concerns about homelessness and poverty affect half of all children in the UK according to a new survey.
Citizens Advice Scotland has backed a new report which calls for consumers to be protected from the costs of de-carbonising heating.
WSP associate Ewan Jures on the importance of district heating networks. Scotland has been at the forefront of the climate change debate for many years and even more so in the last few months - having agreed to an ambitious target of net zero emission by 2045, five years ahead of the rest of the UK.
Moray’s economy is set to be transformed as the region celebrates securing £65 million for its Growth Deal.
A new home for bees, as well as people is on offer from Lovell as the developer prepares to give away a free bee nesting block to anyone who reserves a new home at one of its developments in Fife next week.
An annual nationwide survey has revealed the Highlands and Islands region as the happiest place to live in the whole of Scotland.
West Dunbartonshire Council is investing £500,000 to change the lives of young people across the area.