Complaints about care in Scotland have risen in the past four years, according to the Care Inspectorate.
Residential fire and carbon monoxide alarms provider Aico Ltd. has launched new Tenant Packs to help landlords raise awareness and emphasise how important it is to regularly test your fire and carbon monoxide alarms.
The Accounts Commission and the Auditor General are to undertake an audit into the provision of affordable housing in Scotland.
A coalition of charities has urged Serco to bring an end to its lock-change evictions of asylum seekers, days before the private housing provider is expected to enter the first premises in Glasgow, until the legality of the action is clarified in law.
Places for People has been cleared to start work later this year on the first phase of a vibrant new extension to the village of Longniddry after East Lothian Council approved detailed designs for 98 new homes.
LAR Housing Trust has teamed up with Carnoustie Links Development Ltd to lodge plans to build new affordable homes in Aberdeen.
Great communication is becoming increasingly important for all housing associations, particularly when consulting and engaging with tenants, customers and stakeholders. In recognition of the importance of high-quality communication, Kingdom has appointed its first communications and media officer, D
Students from Ecole du Renouvellement Urbain (School of Urban Renewal) in France paid a visit to Cassiltoun Housing Association as part of a study tour on July 4 and 5.
Prefabricated modular home designer nHouse is coming to Scotland following the appointment of Scottish property expert Graham Scott.
Landlords will have a major role to play in a court case considering the future of the UK Government’s Right to Rent scheme, the Court of Appeal has ruled. The government decided to appeal against a damning criticism by the High Court earlier this year that the Right to Rent breaches human rig
North Lanarkshire Council has been recognised for its "exceptional commitment" to promoting energy efficiency across the area.
For many years SHARE has recognised a need to deliver basic technical training for non-technical staff. Understanding Buildings & Managing Repairs (UMBR) is a five day course aimed at staff who are required to deal with technical issues as part of their day to day duties, but who may only have l
A yoga teacher, an accountant, an architect, a gardener and a foster family are among the first residents selected to form Scotland's new hutting community.
Dundee has been named among the UK’s 29 ‘credit deserts’ in a groundbreaking report from Demos which for the first time has mapped Britain’s credit environment.
Social Investment Scotland (SIS), is launching two new funding challenges this month worth £3.3 million, designed to support all social enterprises – large and small - across Scotland. The investment programmes - Step Up and Scale Up Challenges - have been created to reflect the varying