Over 60,000 complaints about pests in council houses have been lodged with local authorities in Scotland over the past three years, according to new figures.
Revised proposals to build 27 homes for social rent in the Whitfield area of Dundee have been submitted to planning officials by Merchant Homes and Home Group Scotland.
Clydebank Housing Association reaffirmed its commitment to involving tenants in decision-making at the association's 34th annual general meeting and social event.
Cairn Housing Association is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its "handyperson" scheme, which is estimated to have saved the NHS over £6 million.
Community housing association Home Group Scotland has delivered a call to action to charities and community groups to partner with on a new project across Scotland. Home Group, through its subsidiary in Scotland, is looking to work with groups on its ambitious "Aspirations" project, which aims to su
Housebuilder AS Homes (Scotland) has submitted an early proposal for the redevelopment of a former Glasgow bus depot into a development of nearly 140 houses. The three-hectare site at 252 Tollcross Road in Parkhead has been unused since 2010, according to documents lodged with Glasgow City Council.
Housebuilder Cruden Homes, part of the Cruden Group, has secured planning permission to build 81 new homes as part of the first phase of the expansion masterplan at Longniddry, East Lothian.
Progress in reducing evictions within Scotland’s social housing sector has levelled off in the last few years, with the number of evictions increasing by 44% between 2013/14 and 2017/18.
Housing provider Sanctuary Homes is on site in Portsoy to build 44 much-needed new affordable properties. (from left) Cllr Anne Stirling, Cllr John Cox, Pat Cahill, Cllr Glen Reynolds and Neil Donald
Work to transform land adjacent to a Stornoway farm into a new care facility and affordable homes has began in earnest. View from Perceval Road
Carla Tartaglia, Management Committee Member of Milnbank Housing Association, was presented with Committee Learner of the Year Award for 2019 at SHARE’s recent Annual General Meeting.
Taylor Wimpey East Scotland has secured detailed planning consent from Midlothian Council for 304 new homes through the development of land off Main Street on the northern boundary of Roslin in Midlothian.
A 58,000-home housing association in England has agreed one of the first major unsecured bank facilities in the sector.
An energy supplier has been fined for failings which resulted in customers being unable to move to cheaper tariffs or access their accounts.
Developers have lodged plans to convert Dundee tennis courts into new homes.