East Lothian Council has given the green light to a number of planning applications which could deliver more than 950 homes in total. Planning permission in principle has been granted for a residential development at Windygoul South, Tranent, including open space, a sports pitch and space for the ex
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has published a new plan which sets out how it will regulate and work with the housing sector to improve environmental performance throughout the supply chain.
Around £120 million is to be invested in the Tayside region after Stewart Milne Homes announced plans to deliver more than 350 new homes at developments in Arbroath, Ballumbie and Blairgowrie.
The Highland Council has awarded a contract worth £5.1 million to build 35 new council houses in Inverness.
A Jewish housing association which fended off a discrimination challenge earlier this year has successfully defeated the case again on appeal. Agudas Israel Housing Association (AIHA), which provides accommodation exclusively for Orthodox families, defeated an application for Judicial Review by a mo
The Scottish Government is consulting on regulations to bring into force Part 5 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016, the right to buy land to further sustainable development.
Plans to convert a former warehouse in Dundee city centre into three retail units and 28 flats have been given planning approval.
Registers of Scotland (RoS) has made two new appointments to its board. Andrew Miller and Andrew Harvey joined the board of non-executive directors this week and will remain until 31 July 2022.
West Dunbartonshire Council will give residents more say on how its budget is used as part of a new consultation process being introduced.
Link Group has secured a £50 million boost to its development programme with 20-year funding thanks to the support of Newbridge Advisors.
Elderpark Housing is “leading the way” as it builds more homes and puts its community first, members were told at the 44th AGM. Attendees heard that the construction of 82 new homes in Govan was well under way, Elderpark continues a multi-million pound programme to refurbish its tenement
Ayrshire Housing has completed 39 flats in Peebles Street in Ayr to add to its portfolio of over 1,500 houses. The Association’s vice-chair Kenny George welcomed Miss Sharon Bell and her daughter Myrren to their new flat.
A weekend of family fun helped Thenue celebrate 40 years of delivering for its communities. Three locations where Thenue has its stock staged events designed to involve everyone in celebrating four decades of the Association.
An appeal is to be heard in the UK's highest court on Wednesday in an important constitutional case on the powers of specialist tribunals and local authorities relating to the 'bedroom tax'.
Tenants' union Living Rent is one of seven organisations across the UK to share more than £800,000 of funding from the Nationwide Foundation to give private tenants a stronger voice on their personal housing issues or in housing matters in their local area. The Nationwide Foundation&