Taylor Wimpey West Scotland has secured planning permission from East Renfrewshire Council for the provision of 44 new four and five bedroom detached homes near Newton Mearns.
A new project manager has been appointed to oversee the continued progress of Aberdeen’s Countesswells community. Chartered civil engineer, Ryan Swan, will manage the ongoing development of the £800 million town, as plans for its first bus service, new school and neighbourhood centre pro
Moray Council has granted planning permission for 122 affordable homes in Keith.
Loretto Housing Association has been granted permission to develop 32 homes in Cardonald.
One of Thenue Housing’s longest-serving members of staff is to retire.ousing’s longes-serving members of staff Beth Reilly outside Thenue’s offices
An innovative urban regeneration project in Greenock has been hailed a success in a report published by the University of Stirling.
Detailed planning proposals have been submitted to City of Edinburgh Council for the final residential plots within the Salamander Place development in Leith.
Housing associations in Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire have shone the spotlight on the work they do helping communities. FLAIR – made up of six social housing providers – have been at the forefront of regeneration for 30 years as they strive to improve housing and make lives better.
Building work has started on three family-sized passivhaus certified homes in the village of Closeburn in Dumfries and Galloway.
Residents living in Argyll & Bute are being urged to give their opinion on the area's housing needs.
A day care centre in East Dunbartonshire has celebrated hitting double figures with a duo of birthday events.
I-SPHERE Professor Sarah Johnsen describes how a flexible and relational approach helps to overcome many of the barriers that homeless people face when accessing healthcare. As policy interest in inclusion health has escalated, there has been increased recognition that existing healthcare ser
Midlothian Council is expected to save more than £7 million after councillors agreed its first Medium Term Financial Strategy.
A failed IT project has cost Scotland's public sector pension body millions and set its planning back significantly, according to the spending watchdog.
A motion has been lodged at the Scottish Parliament which pays tribute to a Big Issue vendor who died earlier this month.