CIH Scotland has confirmed the appointment of Gavin Smith to the Scotland board. Currently a service manager at Fife Council with responsibility for homelessness, housing access and service commissioning arrangements, Gavin has worked in various roles in a number of different housing policy areas fo
Cunninghame Housing Association has announced with great sadness that former long serving board member Maureen Whitelaw peacefully passed away on Monday 17th June 2019. Frank Sweeney, group chief executive, said: “Maureen an ex school teacher and author was a gifted and wonderful person who as
An employability programme led by Robertson and West of Scotland Housing Association (WSHA) has resulted in two Glasgow residents securing full-time employment in the construction industry. William Purcell and Kieran McIntyre, both from Glasgow, completed the Trade Taster Employability Programme, wh
One of Europe’s largest regeneration sites is set for further transformation after a new Masterplan was given the green light by planning officials.
Cruden Building has been appointed on to Thenue Housing Association’s Housing Framework.
North Ayrshire Council has started what it calls one of its “most ambitious and exciting” developments to date as work got under way at its latest housing project in Largs.
Cunninghame Housing Association’s new build housing development at Weirston Road, Kilwinning was recognised as the Large Affordable Housing Development of the Year (social rent) at the recent Scottish Home Awards.
Ochil View Housing Association’s oldest tenant has celebrated her 100th birthday with a visit from chief executive George Tainsh and property services officer Ailsa Buchanan. Kate Macaulay, who lives in Dollar, was born in March 1919 and grew up in a farming family in the Scottish Islands befo
Aico was awarded the Electrical Contractors Association (ECA) Best Supply Chain Initiative Award for its Expert Installer training scheme earlier this month, for the second successive year.
Marshall Construction has broken ground on a project to deliver new apartments for disabled adults in Edinburgh.
A Reporter for the Scottish Ministers was found to have erred in law by accepting without question the findings of the planning authority regarding the quantity of effective housing land supply in the area.
A new milestone has been reached at Perth’s new Bertha Park village with an extended bus route connecting the village to town and giving the community a convenient way to travel. Managing director for Stagecoach East Scotland Douglas Robertson (left) and Springfield central managing
A milestone has been reached in the regeneration of the former Victoria Road School in Torry, Aberdeen, with the transfer of ownership to the new owner Grampian Housing Association.
Eildon Housing Association has spoken of its “delight” after its latest development at High Street/Chapel Street in Selkirk was recognised as the Best Small Affordable Housing Development of the Year at the recent Scottish Home Awards.
Cassiltoun Housing Association was delighted to welcome Aico’s regional specification manager, Tony Boyle, to deliver CPD training to its staff team.