Scottish Labour has said that it will vote against the Planning (Scotland) Bill at its final stage today, warning that it has become "a missed opportunity to deliver transformative change".
Work has commenced on a new affordable housing development on behalf of East Dunbartonshire Council.
Residents in Irvine are being invited to view updated multi-million-pound proposals for much-needed new council homes at the town’s harbourside.
River Clyde Homes has signed up to the Chartered Institute of Housing’s 'Make a Stand' pledge to support people in the Inverclyde community who experience domestic abuse.
Queens Cross Housing Association is bringing five vacant commercial properties in north west Glasgow back into productive use as new homes. The properties are undergoing a £500,000 refurbishment by the Association as part of its conversions programme to meet the high demand for new housing in
LAR Housing Trust is to provide factoring services for future developments after key members of staff qualified as registered property managers. Operations director Fiona Kelly and development manager Stuart McLaren have both passed a factoring qualification run by the Institute of Residential Prope
Green-fingered visitors to a centre for disabled residents in Renfrewshire are now able to access its gardens after a renovation made the grounds wheelchair-friendly. Uneven ground at the Disability Resource Centre in Paisley’s Love Street made it hard for service users to enjoy the outside sp
One of Leith’s oldest residents has celebrated her 100th birthday. Port of Leith Housing Association tenant Ruby, who attributes her long life to not smoking and her love of dancing, has spoken about how Leith has changed over the years.
Govan Law Centre (GLC) has highlighted the positive impact it has had providing assistance in housing, employment, debt, welfare rights and legal work in its newly published annual report.
The system for administering emergency payments used by people who have run out of money for food and other essentials could be improved but needs more cash, according to a new report.
The Regulatory Framework now requires governing body meeting minutes to be publicly available as well as published online. This offers the perfect opportunity to have a look at your minute taking process and ensure that everything is presented in an appropriate and user friendly way.
Homelessness charity Simon Community Scotland (SCS) has received a boost after the Glasgow office of law firm Irwin Mitchell raised £6,555 to support its work.
An affordable housing development in Perth has been named the best in Scotland. Muirton Living, which is being delivered by Urban Union, scooped the Affordable Housing Development of the Year award at this year’s Scottish Home Awards – seeing off competition from across the country.
Union members in the housing department within Dundee City Council are to be balloted for industrial action after more than 500 hundred workers in construction and environmental services voted to strike.
Perthshire-based housebuilder Hadden Homes has gained planning consent to build 29 private family homes for sale plus 10 affordable homes in the village of Abernethy.