News of the success of the Scottish Government’s Help to Buy shared equity scheme has been welcomed by Homes for Scotland (HFS) but the trade body has emphasised the importance of maintaining a level playing field across the border. New figures published yesterday revealed that more than 30,00
The Scottish Government has published a literature and evidence review into the affordability of rent in the affordable housing sector.
A £25,000 award which was raised through a special event by Hillcrest and donated to charity Move On last year has been instrumental in bringing brighter futures to a number of vulnerable and homeless people. The money was raised through a black tie fundraising event back in November 2017 to c
A Stenhousemuir community empowerment project which brings generations together to read has been hailed a success by organiser Cairn.
Over 300 tenants and housing organisations from across Scotland gathered to share good practice at this year’s TIS National Housing Conference and Exhibition last weekend. 2019 marks the Tenants Information Service’s (TIS) 30th anniversary, a significant milestone in the organisation&rsq
SHARE is passionate about supporting the future of the social housing sector, not only training new staff through modern apprentice schemes, but also supporting current housing staff to fulfil their potential and progress up the career ladder.
Shelter Scotland’s Lisa Glass responds to the Scottish Government's announcement of a National Taskforce on human rights and asks how can this improve things for those facing homelessness? We were delighted to hear the announcement of the new National Taskforce to lead on human
The Scottish Law Commission has published a discussion paper seeking views on proposals for the reform of securities granted over land and buildings in Scotland. The use of property to secure debt is of crucial importance to the economy and to citizens. It allows businesses to grow and people to buy
The average price of a property in Scotland increased by 1.6% in 12 months to reach £150,825 in April 2019.
Glasgow City Council has approved plans for three Space for Growth hubs which will provide affordable space from which local social enterprises and community-based organisations can operate to provide social and economic benefit for the city. Space for Growth hubs are part of the council's wider Spa
Albyn Group has appointed established Highland businesswoman and third sector specialist, Lisa Buchanan, as chief executive officer (CEO). The move follows the departure of long-serving chief executive, Calum Macaulay, who announced his decision to leave the organisation in March after more than 20
Three housing associations in Govan have met the University of Glasgow to learn more of its multi-million pound campus destined for their doorstep. The University is bringing the showpiece new campus to the community and hopes to start work within two years.
CIH Scotland has called for the introduction of a minimum energy efficiency standard of EPC C for all homes by 2030, including owner occupied homes.
Ministers are being urged to go further in its attempts to deliver change to Scotland’s planning system but have also faced calls that last minute amendments to the Planning (Scotland) Bill could “derail” the system altogether.
Inverurie, Oldmeldrum and Peterhead are the latest communities to benefit from Aberdeenshire Council’s new-build housing strategy, with 63 new homes reaching completion between the three developments. A total of 26 flats and houses at Meadowside, Oldmeldrum, and 31 flats and houses at Clerkhil