Southside Housing Association has gone live this month with its new website.
Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership (DGHP) held a successful community event in Langholm last week.
The number of households in Scotland has continued to increase to 2.48 million in 2018, according to figures published today by National Records of Scotland (NRS).
More than 30,000 households have been helped to buy their home through Scottish Government support schemes since 2007. Figures published today show that the majority of these purchasers were first-time buyers and young people, who often struggle to get into the property market. Just over a third wer
SHARE is passionate about supporting the future of the social housing sector, not only training new staff through modern apprentice schemes, but also supporting current housing staff to fulfil their potential and progress up the career ladder.
Scotland’s tenants’ union Living Rent has called for “mass public resistance” to stop the 300 lock changes to be rolled out by Serco in Glasgow.
Housing and homelessness charity Shelter urges England to follow Scotland’s lead in introducing pioneering longer, more secure tenancies.
Fife Council tenants have formed a Panel to look at how the council’s housing service performs compared to other similar local authorities. The Fife Tenant Led Scrutiny Panel (FTLSP) came together in August last year and their first task was to look at temporary accommodation as part of F
Council tenants across Dundee who are set to benefit from an £8 million upgrade in fire safety have been reminded how they can play their part. Work on installing at least one smoke alarm in the most frequently used room, at least one smoke alarm in spaces like hallways and at least one heat a
A zero tolerance domestic abuse policy introduced by West Dunbartonshire Council has made a difference to the lives of 130 victims in its first year.
Orkney Housing Association (OHAL) has collected the award for Housing Association of the Year at the Scottish Homes Awards. Almost 700 people from Scotland’s housing and homebuilding sector gathered in Glasgow last week for the prestigious event.
New social housing is set to be built on the site of the former Arnotts department store in Paisley, bringing even more new residents into the town centre and its businesses.
Fife Council's commitment to provide 3,500 new affordable homes across the Kingdom by 2022 moved a step closer last week after three new housing developments were given the green light.
More than twice as many houses were built in Dundee last year compared with the previous 12 months, a draft housing land audit has revealed.
Kingdom Support and Care (KSC), the subsidiary of Kingdom Housing Association that provides high quality and personalised support and care to enable 260 individuals to live in the community, has celebrated the work and outstanding achievements of its staff with a Wall of Fame event. (from left)