Rock Trust and Cyrenians are joining forces to deliver an entirely new local service to reach young people before they become homeless.
Construction firm Kier Group is to cut 1,200 UK jobs and sell-off of its house-building arm as part of its plans to simplify the business and save on costs.
Taylor Wimpey East Scotland has secured detailed planning consent from East Lothian Council for 102 new homes through the development of land to the west of Greendykes Road in Macmerry.
Scottish Green MSPs will stage a series of bids to overhaul Scotland’s planning system over three days of debate in the Scottish Parliament this week. Amendments brought by Green MSPs at stage 3 of the Planning (Scotland) Bill will seek to improve natural habitats in response to the climate cr
Two housing-related charitable organisations have come together to fund a major UK-wide research programme with the aim of improving standards in the private rented sector (PRS). TDS Charitable Foundation (TDSCF) and the SafeDeposits Scotland Charitable Trust (SDSCT) have jointly awarded f
Scotland’s largest membership organisation for private landlords and letting agents has described it as “disappointing” that the Scottish Government won’t support a measure which would increase the availability of homes for those on Universal Credit. The Scottish Association
A ministerial task group will consider Scotland’s future population challenges and develop new solutions to address demographic and population change.
Angus Housing Association has announced the appointment of Gail Robertson as its new director. Gail has led the housing and property services team at Castlehill Housing Association in Aberdeen for the last nine years, and will take over from Bruce Forbes upon his retirement in early September.
Wheatley Group has announced the appointment of technology specialist Angela Mitchell as a non-executive director. A partner at Deloitte since 2010, Angela oversees Deloitte’s public sector technology business across the UK as well as leading the Scottish public sector practice.
Glasgow City Council has allocated £104 million to its affordable housing supply programme, the highest-ever figure for the city.
The introduction of Universal Credit has greatly increased rent arrears and immediate action is needed to tackle the issue, a Scottish Parliament committee has said.
A derelict tenement block in Govan is being bought up by Glasgow City Council and transferred to Govan Housing Association to be brought back into use.
Royal College of Occupational Therapists publishes guidance to improve access to housing adaptations
A new guide launched by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT) has identified how to improve access to housing adaptations, ensuring patients can live well at home. The guide has been endorsed by a number of expert bodies from across the UK, including the Chartered Institute of Housing
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) has voiced concerns over a drop by more than 7,000 of the number households in Scotland which received a Council Tax reduction in the past year.
Local charities and housing experts have come together in Edinburgh to discuss the housing challenges faced by people living in Scotland and look at potential practical solutions.