Private housing provider Serco has announced it will resume lock change evictions against asylum seekers in Glasgow next week.
The Scottish Government has commissioned consultancy firm Indigo House to undertake research into the positive and negative impacts of short-term lets.
The Scottish Government has announced funding of £3.5 million for social landlords to improve the energy efficiency of their properties.
Staff at Hanover Scotland have taken part in a virtual reality training session to better understand how residents with dementia see the world and how to use that insight to provide better, more effective care.
The Scottish Government should "fully commit" to housing co-operatives to help tackle Scotland's housing crisis, opposition MSPs have said. A recent report from Co-operatives UK highlighted that Scotland has just 11 registered housing co-ops, compared to 685 across the UK, at a time when 150,000 peo
Glasgow-based architectural practice Anderson Bell + Christie has become the latest Scottish business to announce its transition to employee ownership. Following the transfer of 100 per cent of the business’s shares into an Employee Ownership Trust, the 38-strong team at Anderson Bell + Christ
The 2019 CIH Scotland Excellence Awards, which recognise and celebrate the creativity, passion and innovation of housing organisations and individuals across the breadth of the sector in Scotland, are now open for applications. These awards are open to housing teams, private landlords and sector lea
Volunteers at a Bield development in West Dunbartonshire have been acknowledged for their hard work and dedication to improving the lives of older people in their area. Bield volunteers at Oakbank and The Croft took part in activities to celebrate Volunteers’ Week on Thursday.
The Scottish Government is on track to hit its ambitious target of 50,000 affordable homes by 2021 after new figures revealed a large increase in the total number of affordable and social rented homes.
South Lanarkshire Council has lodged detailed plans for 45 new council homes and a new Care Hub.
Linthouse Housing Association has started a £1.1 million project to extensively remodel a building that formerly housed a very sheltered housing complex in Govan.
A record number of privately-owned empty homes in Scotland were brought back into use with help from local councils last year. In its latest annual report, the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership (SEHP) said that 1,128 properties became homes again in 2018-2019, the best year yet for the group which su
Eildon Housing Association's latest new development on Selkirk High Street/Chapel Street has opened its doors for its first public viewing.
A cycling initiative aimed at getting older people out and enjoying the fresh air has officially launched its second bike in Perth, thanks to the help of an 82-year-old Bield tenant.
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) and Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) have joined forces to launch a £140,000 energy advisor programme to support vulnerable households and help reduce fuel poverty in the north of Scotland.