Architects, house-builders and housing developers of all sizes have been shortlisted in the Saltire Society Housing Design Awards 2019.
Housebuilder Barratt Homes is targeting key cities and towns in 2019 in which to install innovative swift bricks into its homes.
The latest statistics from Registers of Scotland’s Property Market Report 2018-19 show that the value of residential property sales in the financial year 2018-19 was £18.2 billion, an increase of 1.6% when compared with 2017-18.
Social enterprises have been invited to apply for the Social Enterprise Awards 2019, which is open to applications until Sunday 7 July. Information and the online application form is now available from the website.
A total of 75 projects across Argyll and Bute will receive funding from the council’s Supporting Communities Fund after councillors approved their applications for support.
Legislation to support people who struggle to pay their fuel bills, targeting those who need help the most, has been passed unanimously by the Scottish Parliament.
Plans to build 87 affordable homes on the site of the former headquarters of East Dunbartonshire Council in Kirkintilloch have moved one step closer with the approval of concept designs.
Spire View Housing Association has welcomed the successful completion of a kitchen and boiler replacement contract carried out by CCG Asset Management. Covering 46 kitchens and 48 boilers, the entire programme was delivered within a period of just five weeks and has been described as having “v
Agents and landlords in Scotland who are letting properties and declaring them to be holiday lets to avoid long-term tenancy rights are breaking the law, a property management company has warned.
A £1 million fund is to be made available to help Fife Council tenants who are struggling to cope with the effects of Universal Credit (UC). As part of the council's commitment to a fairer Fife, convener of the community and housing services committee, Cllr Judy Hamilton, said the decision wil
Trust Housing has been awarded two excellent grades (6’s) for its quality of care and support and quality of staffing following a recent inspection. The Care Inspectorate also awarded the Association four grades of very good (5’s) from a further two inspections.
As part of its strategy to support local people and communities, Scottish Borders Housing Association (SBHA) will support the Borders Book Festival again this year.
A retirement housing development in the Scottish Borders has recognised the invaluable contribution of its volunteers as part of a nationwide celebration.
Temporary agency workers at a Robertson housing site in Dundee have been moved to PAYE following complaints by the Unite union.
Tulloch Homes chief executive George Fraser has welcomed six new local apprentices to the housebuilder, continuing the firm’s commitment to local recruitment and training.