Emergency services were called out to the former Jordanhill College building in Glasgow at the weekend after a large fire broke out at the housing development site.
Everyone in the UK will have the legal right to request a decent and affordable broadband connection from March next year, Ofcom has confirmed.
A volunteering initiative to engage older people in craft-based activities has been hailed a big success. The ‘Creative Ageing Volunteer Development Programme’ run by arts organisation Impact Arts in partnership with Linstone Housing aims to promote creativity among older tenants of the
More than 100 Grenfell survivors and relatives have opened lawsuit proceedings in the US against three firms they blame for the fire. The legal action, which will target cladding maker Arconic, isolation manufacturer Celotex, and fridge supplier Whirlpool, could result in tens of millions of dollars
A new pantry service offering quality food at low prices has been introduced in Edinburgh by Cyrenians. The city-based charity delivers sustainable solutions for the causes and consequences of homelessness. Food poverty is a key element of a number of its services including cooking courses at its Fl
The national 2019 SURF Awards for Best Practice in Community Regeneration have been launched by the Scottish Government. The awards are delivered each year by SURF, a regeneration forum with over 300 cross-sector member organisations across Scotland, in partnership with the Scottish Government.
The Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill 2019 is expected to receive Royal Assent this summer after the legislation passed Stage 3 at Holyrood yesterday.
Demolition work is now under way at the East Whitlawburn Regeneration Project in Cambuslang to make way for new private and rented housing.
Sanctuary has submitted a planning application for more than 130 affordable homes in Glenburn, Paisley.
Scottish charity Ypeople has announced its disaffiliation from the wider YMCA movement. Ypeople delivers a range of support including mentoring, housing advice, services for people whose lives have been affected by homelessness, throughcare services, counselling and after school care to vulnerable i
The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has welcomed the UK Government’s launch of a full consultation on the reform of building safety regulation but has voiced concerns over the length of time given to receive industry opinion. New regulation proposals and a related eight-week consultation
Primary school pupils across Galashiels were invited to showcase why they love living in the area while painting a mural on the fence that surrounds a local development site.
Clackmannanshire Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) has been awarded £38,710 of funding from the SafeDeposits Scotland Charitable Trust to deliver its Housing Advice and Mediation Service (HAMES) project over two years. HAMES aims to assist 100 tenants per year to gain a better understanding of thei
CIH policy and practice research officer Dr Yoric Irving-Clarke talks to some early Make a Stand pledges. Now Make a Stand has been running for a little of a year I have been catching up with some of the early adopters to talk to them about the changes they have made and impact upon their organisati
A refreshed brand has been unveiled by Homes for Scotland which the trade body said reflects the overarching purpose of its new five-year strategy and the organisation’s clear call to action of delivering more homes for Scotland. Unveiled at its Annual Lunch in Edinburgh in front of a crowd of