Social services across the country have been honoured for their outstanding commitment to improving the lives of the people they support at the Scottish Social Services Awards.
A care home operator has been fined £270,000 after a resident of Lomond Court Care Home in Glenrothes put chlorine tablets in his mouth and chewed them, leading to his death. Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court – Image credit: Wiki user Kilnburn
MSPs will vote on a series of amendments to the Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill as the proposed legislation begins its third stage of proceedings today.
Plans have been submitted to build more than 250 mid-market apartments for rent on land at the former Bellgrove Meat Market in Glasgow.
Two long‐standing board members at Albyn Housing Society have stepped into a new leadership role. Maxine Smith and Ian Fosbrooke have taken on the position as joint‐chair of Albyn as of June 1.
Southside Housing Association (SHA) has launched an organisation-wide internal training programme in order to achieve its IT and business improvement objectives. The first phase of the Digital Academy - which takes place between May and August of this year - will focus on equipping staff with core d
More empty homes in the countryside could be returned to use if greater policy flexibility was available to recognise the “unique circumstances” of rural Scotland, according to Scottish Land & Estates. After providing evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s local government and c
Older people at a retirement housing development in Buckhaven are narrowing the generational gap with the help of their local high school.
A new approach that uses the untapped, expert lived experience of former homeless people in Glasgow has won a prestigious award.
Transforming vacant and derelict land should deliver environmental benefit to communities throughout central Scotland, the Scottish Land Commission said today.
Early works for a housing and business development at an Angus farm have enabled a team of archaeologists to investigate the area for any buried historical evidence.
New rules which make the way housing developers pay for infrastructure simpler and more transparent are being brought in south of the border, the UK Government has confirmed. Builders already have to pay for roads, schools, GP surgeries and parkland that are needed so that areas can cope with the in
The transformation of a former railway station near Turriff into a housing development has been narrowly rejected by councillors.
Regular building inspections, the establishment of compulsory owners’ associations and Building Reserve Funds must be written into legislation to protect the future of Scotland’s tenement buildings, according to a new report.
A new guide has been published for registered social landlords on applying for a loan to cover the cost of buying and installing smoke, heat and carbon monoxide alarms to meet new standards.