The City of Edinburgh Council’s housing and economy convener, Cllr Kate Campbell, is encouraging residents to have their say on short term lets by taking part in the Scottish Government’s consultation on the regulation of the industry. Last year, the council set up a working group to loo
North Lanarkshire Council is developing an installation programme to meet 2021 legislation changes relating to smoke and heat detectors. Planning is now underway to prepare for the changes made to the Housing Scotland Act (1987).
Retirement housing developments throughout Scotland are set to highlight the good work of caring locals as they celebrate Volunteers’ Week.
The UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) is embarking on a substantial new UK-wide work programme with TDS Charitable Foundation and SafeDeposits Scotland Charitable Trust, which will aim to improve conditions and outcomes in the private rented sector.
Plans for the conversion of a former Dundee college building into build to rent and serviced apartments development have been shelved due to a lack of funding.
Housing experts have today warned of an “accessible homes crisis” in England after new research revealed that less than a quarter of homes built outside London by 2030 will be suitable for older and disabled people.
Youth homelessness charity Rock Trust is exhibiting and auctioning artworks from renowned artists from across Scotland and beyond, to raise funds for their frontline work with young people. The charity’s fifth Postcard Art Exhibition and Auction will see 48 artists donate 78 postcard-sized art
Proposals for the first £20 million phase of new community hubs across Glasgow have been considered by a local authority committee.
A new benefit to help low income families with school-related costs is now open for applications.
A new social enterprise aimed at providing the best mobile telecommunications solutions for charities has been launched in Dundee. The first dedicated mobile social enterprise in Scotland, Good Call aims to remove the mobile communications barriers facing charities, social enterprises and community
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has called on the UK Government to take “urgent action” after a survey found increasing numbers of tenants experiencing or at risk of fuel poverty.
A proposed development of around 150 affordable homes is being planned following the purchase of the former Wise Group site in Glasgow. Aerial view of the Edinburgh Road site
Aberdeen City Council is to map out a programme of works for an “ambitious residential-led mixed use development” in the heart of the city.
Allia Impact Finance has unveiled a new name, logo and website as part of a rebranding initiative. Now known as Allia C&C, part of the overall Allia group, the business made the change following its acquisition of a majority stake in London-based fixed income broker City & Continental at the
Melville Housing Association’s work to improve the appearance and energy efficiency of social housing in Midlothian has been rewarded with record feedback in a major survey of customers. Almost all tenants surveyed (97%) said they are happy with the overall appearance of their neighbourhoods,