The Scottish Government is calling on the UK Government to make radical changes to tackle poverty and inequality in the UK. In its full response to the final report by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, the Scottish Government welcomes his findings and agrees
Cloch Housing Association has teamed up with Inverclyde Community Development Trust to pilot Inverclyde’s first eBike Sharing Scheme. Launching this June, the Inverclyde eBike Sharing Scheme will offer current Cloch Housing Association tenants the opportunity to try out eBikes to travel around
Kingdom Housing Association is pioneering an innovative new project that aims to break the vicious circle of homelessness and unemployment by simultaneously giving a homeless person a job, a home and support with any complex needs or barriers to sustaining their tenancy. (from left) Bill Banks, Cllr
Charing Cross Housing Association was ‘hands on’ at the first ever Garnethill Village Gaitherin’.
A Hanover (Scotland) sheltered housing complex in Clackmannanshire has held a party to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the organisation and a major anniversary in the history of the site. Tenants and staff gathered to enjoy a special lunch to mark both Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association’
A second round of the Plugged-In Households Grant Fund has now opened, allowing more social housing providers, third sector and community organisations the chance to procure the services of electric vehicle car clubs. £500,000 is available for social housing providers and third sector organisa
Two housebuilders have together bought 46 acres of residential development land in Lasswade, Midlothian.
A formerly-empty building on Paisley High Street has been brought back to life as a new home for businesses and residents – in what is believed to be the first new residential development on the street in decades.
Edinburgh heritage body the Cockburn Association has launched a series of thought-pieces under the heading Our Unique City: Our Past, Our City, Our Future to generate a civic conversation that looks to address the many challenges facing the capital now and in the immediate future. Paper Four –
Kendoon Housing Association has announced it is to seek a formal partnership in the shape of a transfer of engagements to a larger Glasgow-based RSL. The Association, which owns and manages 318 homes within a three-street radius in the city’s Drumchapel area, is currently engaging with the Sco
Tollcross Housing Association’s new offices and a Highland Housing Alliance development in Inverness have been named among the very best of current Scottish architecture. The projects were recognised in Edinburgh last night as the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) announced
The City of Edinburgh Council is working with national homelessness charity Crisis in a new partnership to unlock access to the private rented sector for homeless people across the city.
The Scottish Government has published a new study of evidence to support the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy 2018-2022. The study is intended to inform policy makers and people working with refugees and asylum seekers.
The Scottish Government will need to manage volatility in its Budget as the devolution of tax and spending powers becomes fully operational, according to the independent Scottish Fiscal Commission. The Commission published its official five-year economic, tax and social security forecasts today
Kingdom Housing Association's fifth annual Construction Academy gets under way this month to assist unemployed Fifers gain construction skills and gain employment. As part of Kingdom Housing Association’s affordable housing development programme, the Kingdom Works team are working in coll