Senior citizen tenants got their dancing shoes on this week to celebrate 40 years of Thenue Housing. A tea dance complete with swing band was laid on so over 80 seniors could celebrate the milestone.
Jimmy Black responds to a report produced by a team of researchers from the University of Dundee’s Dental Health Services Research Unit which uncovered a geographical disparity in support services available to those who find themselves homeless in the city.
Pre-construction and enabling works are under way at a Taylor Wimpey site in Linwood with work on a second site Edinburgh to officially start within the next few weeks.
The energy sector must take “urgent action” to better identify customers in vulnerable circumstances and improve the help and support given to them, according to a new report.
Local authorities in Scotland spent more than £62 million over the last year under the Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) scheme.
Edinburgh heritage body the Cockburn Association has launched a series of thought-pieces under the heading Our Unique City: Our Past, Our City, Our Future to generate a civic conversation that looks to address the many challenges facing the capital now and in the immediate future. Paper Three &ndash
A Glasgow data company that helps monitor large rental property portfolios has received an investment boost to implement its scale up plans. Tech start-up iOpt now plans to create six jobs over the next two years after it received £600,000 in a seed funding round.
People who are out of work and those on low incomes will be helped to develop digital skills in order to open up job opportunities.
A three-year action plan to deliver Glasgow's Social Enterprise Strategy has been approved by the local authority.
A major expansion of St Andrews moved a step closer yesterday after a further 900 homes were given the green light.
An £8.1 million development of 71 affordable homes in Arbroath is to be opened by local MSP Graeme Dey.
Abbeyfield Scotland has been recognised for its support for older people with two prestigious awards. Abbeyfield House in Greenock received a regional gold award at the National Housing for Older People Awards before going on to collect the National Gold Award for Best UK Retirement Housing scheme u
Throughout this month Cassiltoun Housing Association has worked in partnership with local organisations to create a wildflower meadow within Castlemilk Park.
Jane Bruce has been promoted to chief executive of Social Bite in Scotland as the social enterprise looks to take on a more international role. As co-founder Josh Littlejohn extends the Sleep in the Park concept across 50 cities across the world, Bruce has been moved up from her former role as deput
Significant gaps in the provision of services for the homeless in Dundee have been revealed in a new report published by researchers from the University of Dundee.