A Build to Rent project on Edinburgh’s Western Harbour is planning to expand as residents are welcomed into the latest phase of the development. Harbour Gateway, the largest project of its kind in Scotland, was made possible by innovative National Housing Trust funding provided by City of Edin
Industry leaders and stakeholders joined together this week to learn about the Advanced Industrialised Methods for the Construction of Homes (AIMCH) project aims to transform how homes are built through industrialisation. Funded by Innovate UK, AIMCH is a collaborative innovation project with the am
Taylor Wimpey East Scotland has announced that pre-construction and the enabling works for a development of 191 new homes at its Pentland Green development in Bilston will officially start in the next few weeks. The development, which will deliver a range of two-, three-, four- and five-bedroom home
Local nursery and primary school children have buried a special time capsule at the brand new Lochside Grange housing development currently being developed by Lovell Homes in the Fife coastal village of Kinghorn. Earlier this year, Lovell invited local children from Kinghorn Nursery and Primary Scho
A developer’s proposals to build more than 200 homes as part of a wider housing development in Aberdeen have been recommended for approval.
A 20-year spatial plan which covers development across Fife, Edinburgh, the Lothians and the Borders has been thrown out by Scottish ministers.
Colleagues from Fife Housing Group visited the Gallatown Bike Hub in Kirkcaldy to donate a number of pre-loved bikes.
A campaign to help people, especially low income families, take control of their finances, and challenge public perceptions and stigma around personal finances, has been launched today.
Shona Glenn, head of policy & research at the Scottish Land Commission, offers some thoughts on how we can better fund and coordinate infrastructure provision to support housing development.
Stewart Milne Homes’ Dargavel Village development in Renfrewshire has been recognised with both an ‘Excellence in Planning’ award from the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) and the Homes for Scotland ‘Large Private Development of the Year’ accolade.
Elderly people in Scotland are waiting too long to receive the social care they require, a new report has warned.
As the Planning (Scotland) Bill reaches the final phase of the Parliamentary process, local government, housing and planning minister, Kevin Stewart MSP, outlines the reasons behind his Stage 3 amendments. Scotland needs a planning system that will help to deliver inclusive and sustainable economic
Homeowners in England will now be able to extend their properties without the need for a full planning application.
Hillcrest Housing Association is to team up with Cullross to deliver 119 new affordable homes at Victoria Dock in Dundee.
Three inventions designed to transform the daily lives of people living with disabilities have won prestigious awards. A panel of judges has selected the winners from this year’s entries to the Blackwood Design Awards, which seek to celebrate innovative new gadgets, technologies and concepts t