A beneficiary of a River Clyde Homes initiative that offers incentives to help people get started in their new homes in Inverclyde has agreed to share his story. Through Make Yourself a Home, properties are available now in Port Glasgow and Greenock that include a choice of options around white good
Staff from Melville Housing Association have gone the extra mile to raise £1,000 for a Lothians-based charity that supports children and young people struggling to cope with a bereavement. Richmond’s Hope has been Melville’s chosen charity for the past 12 months, with staff raising
Housebuilder Bellway Homes has agreed a deal to buy a plot of land at a former opencast mine in East Lothian which is being turned into a new town.
Jim MacDonald, chief executive of Architecture and Design Scotland, explains why a design-based approach is an effective way of getting to people to work collaboratively, which will make a difference both to the quality of our places and the future of our planet. Architecture & Design
A three-year pilot Housing First project that aims to provide safe, secure homes for more than 400 people who are homeless or at the risk of being homeless has been launched in Greater Manchester.
The Open University and Cyrenians are combining their strengths in a partnership which will support 10 Cyrenians community residents with access to Open University learning. The East-of-Scotland-based homelessness charity has been supporting people and communities for over 50 years, developing susta
A new report by the University of Salford has revealed the social housing sector’s significant impact on employment outcomes.
Budgeting is an important part of many roles and it can sometimes be a difficult one. SHARE’s course Understanding budgets and gaining a qualification will help you develop your knowledge and understanding of costs and budgets in your housing association/co-operative. The course is speci
Communities have many options to secure and develop land, but the full range of financing models is often not widely known, and there is more scope to develop innovative finance models to support community ownership, according to a new report. Scottish Land Commission chief executive Hamish Trench
More than three quarters (77%) of people in Scotland believe workers who have to claim benefits work hard but their wages are not enough to cover living costs, according to new polling from YouGov for Citizens Advice Scotland.
Social enterprises are to benefit from £5 million of new funding to enable them to access free specialist business advice. The service gives one-to-one advice and workshops on specialist topics such as start-ups, business planning, marketing and pre-investment support. It is unique in the UK a
Plans to build more than 650 new homes near Edinburgh Airport have been approved by councillors.
The Scottish Government has issued new guidance for social landlords on using the provisions introduced in the Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 to recover possession of a property which has been designed or adapted for special needs.
The equivalent of a classroom of children will enter poverty in Scotland every day unless benefit changes proposed by the Scottish Government are introduced sooner, a think-tank has warned.
Work has commenced on the first phases of a development that will deliver more than 1,000 new homes for Kirkcaldy. Murray Estates’ Kingdom Park development is located between the A92 and A915 on the north eastern edge of town.