Craig McLaren summarises the recent UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) roundtable which looked at the changes to the Planning (Scotland) Bill and explored how new approaches to planning can help us to build more, well-designed homes.
In recent months, Rapid Re-housing and Housing First have gained momentum as the movements that will bring about change as Scotland struggles with a homelessness crisis. A move to these programmes will undoubtedly require significant changes and substantial resources from an association/co-operative
Linstone Housing staff have handed over a massive £6,686 to Beatson Cancer Charity. The spectacular sum was achieved after ‘Team Linstone’ took part in the recent Kilt Walk with several staff undertaking a challenging 23-mile trek from Glasgow to Balloch.
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) has today outlined five key recommendations for Scotland’s newly devolved disability assistance payments.
A floating island with up to 10,000 homes and shops forms part of an idea to revive a tidal lagoon project in Swansea Bay.
An Edinburgh Napier student is looking to use his design skills to help foster a sense of community in new housing developments. As part of the Edinburgh Napier Degree Show, fourth year graphic design student Rory Cotter has designed a unique kit for new homeowners that gives them some handy tools t
Schools, charities and community groups across Scotland are sharing £80,000 of grants to encourage people to grow their own food.
A campaign has been launched to champion the valuable role visual art plays within communities across Scotland and to call for stronger recognition of this value when it comes to decision-making. A service user at Cherry Road Centre in Bonnyrigg, Midlothian. Photography for SCAN from Colin Hat
International ratings agency S&P Global Ratings has announced an upgraded outlook on Wheatley Group’s credit rating. The agency revised its forecast for the housing, care and property management group to “stable” from “negative”, while affirming its A+ credit rating
The time people facing homelessness spend in unsuitable temporary housing including B&Bs could be limited under plans set out in a new consultation. A seven-day restriction in unsuitable temporary accommodation for everyone experiencing homelessness, as currently exists for families with childre
A report has been launched which outlines the options available for a new system which aims to track every person who is street homeless in Scotland.
The Scottish Government has been urged to set a target for new disabled housing after research found that the number of disabled people on housing waiting lists has risen by almost 80% in the last two years.
Scottish Housing News editor Kieran Findlay interviews communities secretary Aileen Campbell and reflects on his day at the Housing First Scotland Annual Conference.
A new scheme to help residents gain access to private property rentals has been launched by West Dunbartonshire Council.
North Lanarkshire Council is in a good position to meet future challenges due to its strong financial planning and management, according to a report by the local authority watchdog. The Accounts Commission said the council now needs to work with partners to better involve and engage with residents a