Schools, charities and community groups across Scotland are sharing £80,000 of grants to encourage people to grow their own food.
A campaign has been launched to champion the valuable role visual art plays within communities across Scotland and to call for stronger recognition of this value when ...
International ratings agency S&P Global Ratings has announced an upgraded outlook on Wheatley Group’s credit rating. The agency revised its forecast for the housing, care and property ...
The time people facing homelessness spend in unsuitable temporary housing including B&Bs could be limited under plans set out in a new consultation. A seven-day restriction in ...
A report has been launched which outlines the options available for a new system which aims to track every person who is street homeless in Scotland.
The Scottish Government has been urged to set a target for new disabled housing after research found that the number of disabled people on housing waiting lists ...
Scottish Housing News editor Kieran Findlay interviews communities secretary Aileen Campbell and reflects on his day at the Housing First Scotland Annual Conference.
A new scheme to help residents gain access to private property rentals has been launched by West Dunbartonshire Council.
North Lanarkshire Council is in a good position to meet future challenges due to its strong financial planning and management, according to a report by the local ...
Eildon Housing Association’s efforts to promote inclusive growth, address housing need and invest in Borders’ communities has been recognised with two new build developments being shortlisted as ...
A childcare centre in Stornoway gained a new addition to its play area as part of the recent completion of new homes for Hebridean Housing Partnership (HHP). ...
More than a century’s worth of wisdom and experience has been imparted to the friends and family of a Kirriemuir tenant who recently celebrated his 101st birthday. Pat ...
Hampshire-based housing association Vivid has acquired a local housebuilder as it looks to ramp up its development plans.
This event is brought to you by Eydent, the alliance of Ayrshire housing associations – Shire Housing Association, Ayrshire Housing Association, ANCHO and Atrium Homes.
As many as one in three people seeking help with Universal Credit don’t have access to the internet to make their claim, according to new figures from ...