Eildon Housing Association’s efforts to promote inclusive growth, address housing need and invest in Borders’ communities has been recognised with two new build developments being shortlisted as finalists at the Scottish Home Awards 2019 for the ‘Housing Development of the Year (so
A childcare centre in Stornoway gained a new addition to its play area as part of the recent completion of new homes for Hebridean Housing Partnership (HHP). Stornoway Lewis Builders designed and built a wooden tunnel for Stornoway Childcare Centre under HHP’s community benefits requirements w
More than a century’s worth of wisdom and experience has been imparted to the friends and family of a Kirriemuir tenant who recently celebrated his 101st birthday. Pat Mills, who now lives at Bield’s Kirkton Court, has had a long and full life that reads like a work of fiction.
Hampshire-based housing association Vivid has acquired a local housebuilder as it looks to ramp up its development plans.
This event is brought to you by Eydent, the alliance of Ayrshire housing associations – Shire Housing Association, Ayrshire Housing Association, ANCHO and Atrium Homes.
As many as one in three people seeking help with Universal Credit don’t have access to the internet to make their claim, according to new figures from Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS).
Research into Edinburgh’s future commercial property needs commissioned by the City of Edinburgh Council will helping future proof the success of the capital for generations to come, the authority has said.
The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Scotland and Glasgow Homelessness Network (GHN) have launched new joint guidance for Scotland’s social housing professionals on Housing First.
Edinburgh-headquartered residential development and urban regeneration specialist Sigma Capital Group has announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary has secured a further £200 million funding boost to invest in new-build homes for the private rented sector. Sigma PRS Management
Kieran Findlay, editor of Scottish Housing News, is today attending the Housing First Scotland Conference in Edinburgh, which we are pleased to support. You can follow the event and Kieran's live updates on SHN's Twitter page using the #HousingFirstScot hashtag.
Green MSP Andy Wightman has accused the SNP and Scottish Conservatives of attempting to "sabotage" his proposals to tighten controls over short-term lets. Mr Wightman's proposed amendment to the Planning Bill would require planning permission to be sought in all cases where a property was being chan
CIH Scotland national director Callum Chomczuk reflects on the importance of getting Housing First right in Scotland. Scotland can end homelessness. Every year, thousands of our fellow citizens are forced to make a homelessness application and for many, this crisis is compounded by severe and multip
Inverclyde-based housing association River Clyde Homes has been awarded the Silver Level National Award for Environmental Excellence from Keep Scotland Beautiful.
Orkney Housing Association (OHAL) has been shortlisted as a finalist in the "Housing Association of the Year" category at the Scottish Homes Awards. The association will compete with three other housing associations for the top prize, which will be awarded at a ceremony in Glasgow next month.
Sanctuary is celebrating after its regeneration of Glasgow’s Anderston received further recognition as Homes for Scotland’s affordable housing development of the year. The £60 million project beat five other outstanding developments to the honour at an awards ceremony in Edinburgh.