
18301-18315 of 29017 Articles
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Housing teams often have to build and maintain partnerships with a variety of people and organisations such as social work; homeless casework teams; local authority environmental teams and community policing teams. 

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Argyll and Bute Council has published new guidance to help with assessing applications for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) across the council area. The new, non-statutory guidance approved by the council's planning, protective services and licensing committee was put together following public co

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The Highland Council, in partnership with Under One Roof Scotland, are inviting all private landlords to a special seminar specifically to look at issues surrounding common repairs and building maintenance in flats and how to deal with any problems that may arise.

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East Ayrshire Council has agreed a Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan for the region which will now be submitted to the Scottish Government. Local authorities across Scotland are working to eradicate homelessness by transforming Housing services and adopting a Housing First and Rapid Rehousing approach

18301-18315 of 29017 Articles