Tenants at a Glasgow retirement development are enjoying getting out and about in their local community thanks to vital improvements made by Glasgow City Council. Tenants and staff at Bield’s Carntyne Gardens raised concerns with the council over the number of taxis double-parking on the corne
Housing teams often have to build and maintain partnerships with a variety of people and organisations such as social work; homeless casework teams; local authority environmental teams and community policing teams.
Nearly half of landlords and letting agents in England and Wales claim they are more likely to remove some or all of their investment in the private rented sector because of UK government plans to end "no explanation" repossessions.
Argyll and Bute Council has published new guidance to help with assessing applications for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) across the council area. The new, non-statutory guidance approved by the council's planning, protective services and licensing committee was put together following public co
The Highland Council, in partnership with Under One Roof Scotland, are inviting all private landlords to a special seminar specifically to look at issues surrounding common repairs and building maintenance in flats and how to deal with any problems that may arise.
Susanne Millar has been appointed interim chief officer of the Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (GCHSCP). She will succeed David Williams, who is now on secondment to the Scottish Government as director of delivery, health and social care integration.
National walking charity Paths for All is working with care home residents and staff to develop indoor and outdoor walking activities.
Aberdeenshire Council’s plans to invest more than £150 million in the delivery of affordable housing over the next five years have been published following positive feedback from the Scottish Government. The Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) outlines opportunities across the area
Almost £70 million has been invested in housing projects through the Building Scotland Fund (BSF) since its launch last year.
A report outlining stakeholder views on the wider challenges for housing to 2040 has been welcomed by CIH Scotland. Published by the Scottish Government, Housing to 2040 - Report on stakeholder engagement in 2018 followed an initial phase of stakeholder engagement in autumn 2018.
East Ayrshire Council has agreed a Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan for the region which will now be submitted to the Scottish Government. Local authorities across Scotland are working to eradicate homelessness by transforming Housing services and adopting a Housing First and Rapid Rehousing approach
Four Eildon staff were delighted to lend a hand at local Selkirk charity Fresh Start Borders as part of the Association’s ‘Eildon Makes a Difference’ voluntary programme.
Dalkeith’s first lifesaving defibrillator for public use in an emergency has been officially unveiled, thanks to a partnership between Melville Housing Association and Dalkeith and District Community Council (DCC). Fully funded by Melville as part of the Community Council’s proposed life
Tenants of New Gorbals Housing Association were delighted to welcome First Minister Nicola Sturgeon into their new homes.
Housing Options Scotland has announced the appointment of a new role within the organisation thanks to funding from the Bank of Scotland Foundation. Ben Parker has joined the team as volunteer coordinator and will be working to develop the volunteer programme at Housing Options Scotland, to benefit