Springfield Properties has taken a major step towards making its developments more environmentally sustainable after becoming the UK’s first housebuilder to use waste plastic to build a road on a housing development. (from left) Dave Main, managing director north (Springfield Properties; Sarah
CALA Homes is celebrating its recognition as Home Builder of the Year following the prestigious win at trade body Homes for Scotland’s (HFS) annual awards held in Edinburgh on Friday. Considered to be the most credible in the sector due to its robust nature and stringent judging criteria, the
A ground-breaking ceremony has taken place in Newtyle to signal a start to the construction of the first new council homes in the Angus village for several decades.
South Ayrshire Council has more than exceeded its targets for bringing empty private properties back into use, new figures have revealed. The council is committed to providing around 1,000 new affordable homes to be delivered over five years from 2018 to 2023 and bringing empty private homes back in
Jimmy Black highlights the importance of bridging the technology gap if people who are homeless or in temporary accommodation are to access vital services.
SHARE has just launched their July to September learning and development brochures.
Falkirk and West Dunbartonshire councils are leading the way in self-awareness by piloting HouseMark Scotland’s new Embedding Excellence Programme. The two HouseMark Scotland members are pioneering the new audited self-assessment programme that is designed to help landlords to excel by assessi
Glasgow-based private equity house Maven says it intends to begin developing rental housing and retirement villages. Having launched its property arm in 2011 with a focus on building hotels, student accommodation and commercial property, Maven managing partner Bill Nixon told The Times that the
New powers across areas of health, environment and leisure services could be given to local communities after initial findings from a review into the devolution of local powers show that people overwhelmingly want more say about how public services are run in their area.
The family of a homeless man who died hours after being offered accommodation by a charity have had an action for damages against the support provider dismissed.
Persimmon Homes has successfully appealed against a local authority’s decision to refuse planning permission for a new residential development.
New estimates which suggest that more than one in 10 homes would be classed as being in extreme fuel poverty under the Scottish Government’s proposed new definitions are “deeply worrying” and highlight the need for vital investment, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (
Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations (GWSF) director David Bookbinder responds to Friday’s special Housing First edition of Scottish Housing News with a warning that the policy will not be without its challenges. Strike me down, but am I the only person in the housing wor
The construction of on 91 homes at Mackie Village on Ury Estate on behalf of Hillcrest Housing Association is now under way. Local stakeholders including Andrew Bowie MP, Cllr Sarah Dickinson and Cllr Sandy Wallace joined Andrew Rae from FM Construction and Hillcrest Housing Association chief execut
A bold and innovative strategic map has been unveiled which lists an ambitious declaration of Ardenglen Housing Association’s vision, purpose and values. Months in the planning, the Strategic Map 2019-21 is designed to encapsulate all that the Castlemilk housing provider stands for and what it