A pilot scheme to help supported housing tenants with odd jobs is to be continued after receiving 100% positive feedback. Over the past six months Queens Cross Housing Association’s six-strong ‘Home Team’ has been taking on a variety of household tasks, not normally covered by tena
LAR Housing Trust has strengthened its board with the appointment of one of the best known figures in Scotland’s legal scene as a trustee. Former Burness Paull chair, Philip Rodney, has joined the housing charity’s board as the organisation targets further growth across Scotland.
A trail-blazing personal development course from Thenue Housing is proving a big hit with its participants. Choices for Change delivers opportunities to people to improve confidence, self-esteem and learn new skills.
Scotland’s veterans minister Graeme Dey MSP met with staff of Scottish Veterans Residences (SVR) in Glasgow last week as the charity announced it has secured accreditation as a Living Wage employer. The visit took place at SVR’s Bellrock Close, a development located in the city’s E
Staff and residents at a Hanover (Scotland) housing development in Roseburn in Edinburgh were joined by chief executive Helen Murdoch to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the organisation and also mark a major anniversary in the history of the site.
An independent group commissioned by the Scottish Government to examine industry skills has made 40 recommendations to address gaps in housing construction expertise.
This winter, 746 people (82% men and 18% women) have accessed the Winter Care Shelter run by homelessness charity Bethany Christian Trust.
To mark our support for the Housing First Scotland Annual Conference, Scottish Housing News is proud to dedicate today’s entire newsletter to Housing First. Are you a #HousingFirstScot?
The Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning Kevin Stewart on Housing First on how we move to embed Housing First as the default response in Scotland. In Scotland, we are proud of our laws which ensure that everyone has a right to housing. With this strong foundation, we are ideally
In the last of four blogs leading up to the Housing First Conference, Maggie Brünjes, Chief Executive of The Homeless Network, sums up. Listening recently to a senior housing official describe homelessness as ‘normal’ in a modern, western European country reminded me how far we&rsqu
Prof. Sarah Johnsen from Heriot-Watt University describes four key ingredients that make Housing First work. There continues to be increasing quantitative evidence of an over-representation of Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) amongst homeless populations, which corroborates the findings of years o
Claire Frew, Policy and Impact Manager at The Homeless Network, reflects on a ground-breaking report by people with lived experience that helped to shape homelessness policy in Scotland. Housing First and Fast was the number one recommendation. In March 2018, working with volunteers, friends and col
Social Bite provided a catalyst and funds that got a cross-city Housing First Pathfinder in Scotland underway. Here they explain why and thank their supporters. At Social Bite we are working collaboratively to ensure everyone in Scotland has a safe place to call home, we believe this is not only a b
Ahead of the launch of Housing First guidance for Scotland’s Social Housing Professionals, Jim Strang, President of the Chartered Institute of Housing, calls for the ambitions of Housing First to be matched by funding and support. Every year, thousands of our fellow citizens are forced to make
Wheatley Group’s Homelessness Lead, Catherine Wilkie, explains how the Housing First partnership is helping the most vulnerable people off the streets. Last year in Scotland, nearly 35,000 people presented themselves as homeless. That is 35,000 too many people paying a devastating human cost f