Dementia, homelessness, fuel poverty are among the key areas of focus identified in Eildon’s new five-year strategy which outlines its ambitious plans for the future.
The chief executive of Bradford-based Incommunities Group Geraldine Howley has been confirmed as the chair of the governing board at the Chartered Institute of Housing. Geraldine has been interim chair since April 2018 and her permanent appointment has now been ratified by CIH members, with more tha
Work has started to transform a derelict site in the south side of Glasgow into much-needed affordable homes.
Representatives from Link and JR Construction (Scotland) Limited welcomed Councillor Gordon Hughes, Falkirk Council’s spokesperson for housing, to a sod cutting event at Link’s Williamson Street development in Falkirk last week. The event marked the start of construction of 36 affordable
A proposal for a Bill to protect private sector tenants by introducing measures to limit rent increases and to increase the availability of information about rent levels has been introduced by Scottish Labour. Proposed by Pauline McNeill MSP, the party said its Mary Barbour Bill will see the introdu
Plans to introduce compulsory sales orders (CSOs) for empty homes in Scotland have been backed by a number of councils.
The future of Gowrie Care’s resource hub in Edinburgh has been secured for the next three years after being awarded funding from the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (IJB). The £213,216 from Edinburgh IJB will mean that people who have experience of, or are at risk of homelessness will
The ambitious conversion of a semi-derelict building into one of Scotland’s most energy efficient affordable housing developments has been shortlisted for a national award.
You can apply for up to £25,000 to make spaces more accessible for your tenants to walk and cycle.
An action plan to protect the rights of energy consumers and give them a say in how Scotland moves towards affordable clean energy has been launched by the Scottish Government.
Eco2Solar has agreed a new partnership with heat battery specialist Sunamp to install innovative renewable power solutions on homes within Taylor Wimpey’s Dargavel development in Bishopton.
Partnership housing developer Lovell has been successfully shortlisted in two categories of the 2019 Scottish Home Awards for developments located in South Lanarkshire and Fife. Situated on the former derelict site of Auchinraith Primary School in Blantyre and developed on behalf of Clyde Valley Hou
Construction has started at Springfield’s affordable housing development at Hopeman in Morayshire with housing minister Kevin Stewart in attendance to mark the occasion. The private and affordable developer will be building 22 affordable homes, just off Forsyth Road in the seaside village.
An international competition that seeks to find brilliant inventions that transform the everyday lives of people living with disabilities will take place in Scotland this week. The esteemed Blackwood Design Awards (BDAs), which celebrate the best new concepts that enhance independent living, will be
A new ten-year management agreement has been signed which will see Places for People manage retirement homes on behalf of Residential Secure Income plc (ReSI).