The chairman of the Uist Economic Taskforce Working Group, Councillor Iain Archie MacNeil, has called for a Housing Seminar to be held in Uist in early Autumn to begin to develop innovative solutions to address housing issues in Uist and Barra. The call follows the latest meeting of the Uist Economi
An event is set to take place later this month to address rural housing strategy in South Ayrshire. The Rural Forum held by South Ayrshire Council will look at issues such as affordable homes in rural locations, roads and road maintenance and the processes involved in planning and building control.
Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership (DGHP) and The Stove Network have unveiled the last in a series of four public artworks in a new housing development in Dumfries. The Lochside Public Art Project was commissioned by DGHP and created in partnership with McGowan Miller, who employed The Stove
Martyn Evans shares some of the key themes from last month’s Scottish Housing Policy Conference 2019, co-hosted by CaCHE and Policy Scotland, the theme of which was ‘Housing and Inclusive Growth: Revitalising Connections’. Last month, I chaired the Scottish Housing Policy Conferenc
This October will bring the launch of the new Homebuyer Show Scotland event for homebuyers looking to make their next move.
Winchburgh Developments Limited (WDL) has agreed a new contract with Bellway Homes to sell land to the housebuilder for 93 new homes. The deal marks the beginning of the second phase of housebuilding at Winchburgh, which will deliver a further 1,000 private and affordable homes by 2025.
A partnership formed to provide starter packs to people moving into a new tenancy in East Lothian is celebrating its first year. Scottish Churches Housing Action (SCHA), in association with Recycling First, Fresh Start and East Lothian Council, launched the venture in April 2018.
The UK Government has backed a multi-million pound deal that will see Japan’s biggest housebuilder move into the UK housing market with immediate effect.
Developers behind proposals for a £50 million mixed-used transformation of Leith Walk have been dealt a major blow after the University of Edinburgh ended its involvement in the student flats element of the project.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has underlined the importance of RSL boards ensuring that the information they use to make decisions and oversee performance is accurate before they submit it to the Regulator. Michael Cameron, the Regulator’s chief executive, was speaking to chairs of RSLs at SH
Tenants at Osprey Housing Group’s brand new housing development in Peterhead have been settling in after getting the keys to their affordable homes. The Upper Grange project — comprising 14 three-bedroom terrace houses and nine two-bedroom flats — significantly boosts the supply an
Grampian Housing Association’s plans to convert a disused Victorian school site in Royal Deeside into 24 affordable homes have been approved by councillors.
Lisa Kinroy on the upcoming extension of Freedom of Information legislation to registered social landlords. From 11 November this year, the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) will apply to RSLs, giving their tenants similar access to information as their local authority counterparts.
Wheatley Group has been nominated eight times in the prestigious Scottish Home Awards. The housing, care and property-management group has five finalists – Cube Housing Association, Dunedin Canmore, GHA and Loretto Housing and West Lothian Housing Partnership – in the Large Affordable Ho
With less than two months to respond to Graham Simpson MSP’s Proposed New-Build Homes (Buyer Protection) (Scotland) members Bill, Harry C. Smith, partner and head of housebuilder & construction at Gillespie Macandrew LLP, shares his views. There have been a number of attempts down the year