A £600,000 pot of funding has been launched in Greater Manchester which aims to find real-life solutions to the housing problems facing thousands of vulnerable private renters in the city.
A developer has resubmitted plans to Angus Council for the construction of four new homes in Strathmartine.
At Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CSIC) we have developed a free Building Information Modelling (BIM) e-learning platform with support from Scottish Enterprise and in conjunction with a range of industry partners. This free to access platform will allow people who can’t get alon
Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership (DGHP) is inviting proposals from suitably qualified affordable housing providers to create or join a group structure. The board said it has taken the decision to seek a constitutional partner after full consideration of both a Strategic Review of its Purpos
The Scottish Housing Regulator has published a summary of its planned programme for the following year in which it pledges to “keep tenants and service users at the heart of its work”. Highlights of the programme include a new three-year corporate plan and implementing its new Regulatory
Residents in an Edinburgh community celebrated the opening of 24 new homes which signalled the final chapter in a £70 million regeneration project. The new affordable homes, built by Dunedin Canmore, mark the completion of a transformation in Moredun and Hyvots in the south of the city which b
A funding boost that will help build more social housing in Dundee has been welcomed by a local councillor. Kevin Cordell, convener of Dundee City Council’s neighbourhood services committee, said that the extra £2.4 million from the Scottish Government will support the programme to creat
Bield Housing & Care has been acknowledged by one of the country’s most prestigious property awards programmes. The housing provider’s shared ownership development in Lenzie has been shortlisted as a finalist for Age Exclusive Development of the Year in the Scottish Home Awards 2019.
Partnership housing developer Lovell has announced the permanent appointment of Kevin McColgan as regional managing director in Scotland. Kevin had previously been acting as interim managing director for Scotland, a position which he assumed in July 2018 having originally joined the company as opera
A Way Home Scotland, the national coalition committed to ending youth homelessness in Scotland in ten years, is holding a new conference alongside leading youth homelessness charity the Rock Trust.
Drum Property Group has appealed a decision to reject its plans to knock down a prominent part of Leith Walk to make way for student housing and a hotel.
Barratt Developments has outlined a commitment to drive down build costs using modern methods of construction. In a trading update today the company said its continued development, trialling and implementation of these methods will result in them being used in the construction of 20% of its homes by
McGill Homes has unveiled plans to convert a Grade B listed building on Dundee’s waterfront into residential properties. The company has purchased the former Department for Work and Pensions building on Dock Street in a deal worth over £500,000.
The Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) has updated its guidance on the legal requirements for preparing charity accounts and getting those accounts externally scrutinised.
A contract to design Scotland’s new social security assessments system has been awarded as figures revealed high satisfaction levels with the new service. The Deloitte contract, worth £2.3 million over two years, will focus on design of the assessment centre network across Scotland, incl