A global sleep out event has been established by Social Bite’s co-founder Josh Littlejohn to raise money and awareness about homelessness.
Almost 100 emergency and supported housing beds could be lost across Glasgow after plans were unveiled to cut homelessness services in the city by £2.6 million.
River Clyde Homes has unveiled the details of its multi-million pound investment plans for housing in Inverclyde.
Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) has secured more than £15 million to tackle fuel poverty following a successful bid to the Warm Homes Fund.
A report into the outcome of statutory intervention at Ferguslie Park Housing Association has been published by the Scottish Housing Regulator.
Martin Gavin, head of external relations at the Homeless Network, provides the third of four blogs in the lead up to Scotland’s Housing First Conference on 22 May 2019. When it comes to Housing First in Scotland, the five Pathfinders that we talked about in previous blogs – Aberdee
A landmark affordable housing development in the Midlothian town of Penicuik has been officially opened by Kevin Stewart, minister for local government, housing and planning. The 24 homes at Greenlaw Mill, built for Melville Housing Association by Taylor Wimpey East Scotland, sees Melville’s s
More people in Fife are to benefit from a service which provides support to people over the age of 16 who have been affected by childhood trauma and adverse experiences.
Over 20 members of staff at Kingdom, at various management grades, have completed training to gain a Leadership and Management Award. The training involved in-house seminars, learning events and home study over a six-month period.
The initial phase of a public consultation on proposals for the £30 million regeneration of the Bellsmyre area of Dumbarton has revealed overwhelming support with 97% of all respondents declaring their approval of the plans. Bellsmyre Housing Association and its parent organisation Caledonia H
Work has begun to improve an area of Gretna after a group of community-minded individuals have joined together to make a real difference to an important local landmark. Members of ‘The Barracks’ community group alongside DGHP’s neighbourhood manager Crystal Pringle (front right)
Yaman Tawakalna, who works with Link’s Private Sector Leasing (PSL) service, has been shortlisted for a Housing Heroes award it was announced last week. Yaman is one of a select few to be in with the chance of taking home the Inspirational Colleague of the Year award.
Around £200 million will be made available to remove and replace unsafe cladding from around 170 privately owned high-rise buildings, the UK Government has announced.
Lintel Trust’s annual charity golf tournament, which is celebrating its 25th year, will return to Dalmahoy Hotel and Country Club on Friday 14 June 2019. The popular fundraising event, sponsored by Cruden and Sidey, will see golfers from across the housing sector take to the club&rsq
Bellway is celebrating the completion of the final roof at Eastfields in Carntyne, where it has been building since 2007. The housebuilder has constructed 537 houses and 152 apartments at the development, which have played a major role in regenerating this part of Glasgow’s East End.