The Scottish Housing Regulator’s intervention at Thistle Housing Association is to continue with the governing body now willing to work alongside the statutory appointments to address its governance non-compliance. The Regulator used its statutory powers to appoint a manager and
Plans to build more than 600 new homes in one of Glasgow’s key regeneration areas have moved a step closer to becoming reality.A masterplan for the site in Hamiltonhill received planning permission in principle in December. And now, developers behind the £90 million mixed-tenure project
Improved value and outcomes are on the cards for tenants across Scotland as housing associations enter their data into the Sector Scorecard for the third year running.
Construction is now under way on 31 new council houses in Seamill following a ground-breaking ceremony last week.
Morrison Construction has begun work on a new housing development for the Highland Council and Highland Housing Alliance in the heart of Inverness.
Shelter Scotland director Graeme Brown reviews progress on housing and homelessness since 1999. 1999 seems both close and very distant now. It’s hard to recall the days when housing debate for Scotland, at a parliamentary level, used to be squeezed into an annual 90-minute slot and the very, v
As part of an ongoing commitment to ‘Give Something Back’ to its tenants and communities, Fife Housing Group recently organised a free day out for a group of local families.
Community groups and projects can now apply to the new £11.5 million fund to tackle disadvantage, poverty and inequality. The Investing in Communities Fund encourages community-led development, design and delivery of sustainable local solutions addressing local issues, circumstances and aspira
England’s social housing regulator has launched a 12-week consultation on a revised Rent Standard that could restrict rent increases by up to CPI+1% annually from 2020 for at least five years.
An 18-strong team led by industry body Homes for Scotland (HFS) have returned from building a home for a vulnerable 84-year old widow and her orphaned grandchildren in Kenya, raising £40,000 in the process to support the work of charity Habitat for Humanity.
Plans for six new homes have been submitted to Fife Council.
Two prototype homes have been unveiled which aim to address changing customer needs by adapting to meet individual requirements. Taylor Wimpey said the homes at Dargavel Village development in Bishopton respond to customer feedback and will gather information that could change the way the company ho
Hundreds of construction jobs and more than 400 homes are set to be created as work starts on three development sites in East Dunbartonshire over the coming months. CALA Homes (West) said it anticipates the sites in Bishopbriggs, Lenzie and Kirkintilloch will deliver around 444 direct construction j
Places for People is undertaking a UK-wide project to assess the opportunities of Building Information Management (BIM) at scale across its diverse set of operating businesses and across the entire lifecycle of its property assets. The project aims to determine where and how BIM can be of further va
A derelict former commercial site in Edinburgh has made way for a brand new Hillcrest development, injecting 59 affordable homes into the capital’s housing provision. The new development, which is spread across three blocks of flats at Loaning Road, was completed this month and offers 48 homes