Berwickshire Housing Association’s vision of creating thriving rural communities has come to fruition in Chirnside following the completion of a new affordable and energy-efficient housing development. Reflecting local demand, the 25-unit development at Glebe Place is a good mix of housing typ
The chief executive, chair and board of Hanover Scotland has celebrated the organisation’s 40th anniversary. Over the 40 years since it was created, the housing association has been at the forefront of providing innovative care and housing to meet varying needs and supporting residents to expe
Taylor Wimpey East Scotland has announced the beginning of pre-construction and enabling works for a development of 295 new homes at its Spencer Fields development in Inverkeithing. The development, which will deliver 74 affordable homes in partnership with Fife Council, has also been designed to pr
An annual football festival hosted by Cairn Housing Group has taken place and gets even bigger and better each year. Now in its seventh year, the Cairn Cup is supported by the Cairn Community Fund and organised by volunteers from Cradlehall Football Club in Inverness.
The new owner of Dundee construction services firm McGill is to revive the company’s specialist homes division. Chief executive Graeme Carling, who is one of Scotland’s largest private landlords through Carling Property Group, said the move would complement his knowledge of the residenti
Around 13% of new homes across Scotland are currently missing out on full fibre technology, according to digital network operator Openreach. The firm called on the 60-plus Scottish homebuilders at a conference at BT Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh to make sure their home buyers are not among the 3,
A group of pupils from Glasgow have been helping to combat loneliness and isolation in their community by donating their time at a local retirement development. Third year students from St Andrew’s High School MCR Pathways Programme have been lending a hand at Bield’s Coxton Gardens as p
Residents are being asked to comment on a bold new vision for way the city delivers health and social care services. The Edinburgh Integration Joint Board has launched an online consultation as it seeks feedback on its new draft Strategic Plan.
Schemes to create jobs and protect the environment are set to benefit from a new fund to help social enterprises which will be backed by £17 million of investment. The money from The Scottish Social Growth Fund will enable social enterprises, charities and voluntary groups to delive
Work to convert the former Education Offices on Achany Road in Dingwall into new homes for the Highland Council to rent out has been completed.
Clyde Valley Housing Association (CVHA) has appointed Fin Smith as their new customer services director, with responsibility for leading the association's housing and factoring service teams. Fin has worked as head of business services for Cairn Housing Association for the last six years and will ta
The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has called on private housing provider Serco to pause lock change evictions against asylum seekers in Glasgow pending a court appeal.
West Dunbartonshire Council’s work to engage with tenants has been recognised as among the best in the country. The Tenant Participation Advisory Service Scotland (TPAS Scotland) awarded the Housing team a gold accreditation - the highest rating available for local authorities.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has launched an early version of a new website and is looking for feedback. The new site is in a test, or ‘beta’ phase, meaning that it is still work-in-progress.
The first of a series of collaborative workshops to explore ways to increase offsite construction of affordable homes has been launched at Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CSIC) by housing minister Kevin Stewart.