Homelessness in West Dunbartonshire has declined by nine per cent since the introduction of a new initiative designed to help tackle the issue. The "More than a Roof" initiative was launched by West Dunbartonshire Council in 2017 and aims to ensure homeless people and those at risk of becoming homel
Partners, stakeholders and the wider public are being encourage to give their views as part of a Scottish Borders Council consultation on a draft Affordable Warmth and Home Energy Efficiency Strategy.
Elderpark Housing and Linthouse Housing Association have come together to welcome a multi-million pound boost for Govan.
BT is offering communities across Scotland the opportunity to adopt their local phone box for just £1 to turn them into something inspirational for their local area.
A legal bid to stop the eviction of asylum seekers in Glasgow will return to the courts after Govan Law Centre (GLC) confirmed it will appeal last month's Court of Session decision that the lock changes were not unlawful.
Landlords are abusing Airbnb-style "holiday let" contracts to evade their responsibilities to tenants, some of whom are staying in their properties for up to 10 months or more, according to a damning new report.
Four new affordable housing developments started in Lewis and Harris this spring under the Affordable Housing Programme in the Outer Hebrides. The programme is supported by Scottish Government and delivered via a successful partnership between Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Hebridean Housing Partnership
Queens Cross Housing Association has outlined the steps that it is taking to help its EU national tenants prepare for Brexit. The association is taking steps to pro-actively explain the legal position of EU-born tenants after the UK leaves the European Union.
Doug Gibson, Business & Innovation Manager at the Homeless Network, provides the second of four blogs in the lead up to Scotland’s major Housing First conference on 22 May 2019.
Potentially dangerous fire safety issues have been uncovered at a new-build development in West Lothian by a BBC investigation.
The leadership of Highland Council has arranged a series of key meetings with budget holders this week to set out the need for "tight budget controls" to continue throughout the year. In February, councillors approved plans to cut over £37 million from the council budget over the next three ye
The Scottish Government has done a good job of delivering its first set of devolved benefits but the real challenge is still to come, a new report has warned. Carers and new parents successfully received payments in 2018 and the country's new benefits agency, Social Security Scotland, was set up, bu
Scotland will stop contributing to climate change within a generation under the Scottish Government's new, tougher climate change proposals.
A quarter of private landlords in England and Wales are looking to sell at least one property over the next year, according to new research.
The Scottish Government has made an additional £80 million available over the next two years to help councils deliver affordable homes. In 2019-20 council areas will benefit from an extra £42m on previously announced funding for affordable housing. In 2020-21, councils wil