The Zinc House at Monikie has been named as the winner of the Angus Design Awards Building of the Decade. The awards, held at Hospitalfield House in Arbroath, celebrate the very best of building, design, development and restoration in Angus over the past ten years. Their purpose is also to inspire a
The safety of people living in high-rise flats across Scotland is the focus of a new public consultation launched by the Scottish Government. Forming part of the government’s response to the Grenfell Tower fire in London in 2017, the consultation calls for views on how to simplify the guidance
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA), Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations (GWSF), the Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers (ALACHO), and the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) are to work together on the development of a Self-Assurance Toolkit.
Work to create new council homes and a thriving community area in the grounds of the former Inverness Royal Academy and later Midmills College Campus site in the city has been completed. Keys were today officially handed over to the Highland Council with tenants preparing to move into their new home
A new report commissioned by the Scottish Government has suggested a new quango should set up to oversee its plans to fight fuel poverty and make buildings more energy efficient. Ministers want all homes north of the Border to reach certain standards by 2040 as part of its ambitious Energy Efficient
Aileen Campbell, cabinet secretary for communities and local government, officially opened a new Hebridean Housing Partnership (HHP) development during a visit to the Outer Hebrides last week. The 12 flats built by Lewis Builders on the site of the former Stag Bakeries in Stornoway are now named Lan
Building services contractor Arc-Tech (Scotland) Ltd has commenced works at a multi-million-pound mixed-use development in Glasgow on behalf of Elderpark Housing Association. The firm will deliver a turnkey building services solution for the Govan development which will see the conversion of the for
Wheatley Group is making a last call for young people looking for a Modern Apprenticeship. The housing, care and property-management group is recruiting 31 school leavers for its award-winning programme.
City Building’s executive director, Dr Graham Paterson, on how education must work with employers to encourage more young people and women into construction. It’s no secret that the construction industry suffers from a gender imbalance. Across the UK, around 11% of the construction workf
A real estate investment trust has acquired six supported housing properties including 24 units in the south of Scotland. Triple Point Social Housing has also acquired the land and entered into forward funding arrangements to develop another two supported housing schemes, comprising 80 units in tota
Glasgow-based Newton Property Management has sold its lettings business to one of its senior executives. The family-owned business manages more than 500 homes on behalf of about 350 landlords in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
People who do not have access to a bank account pay an extra £485 a year for everyday bills and services, it has been revealed. The finding comes from research carried out by digital current account provider Pockit, which showed that more than 1.2 million Britons still do not have a bank
A new affordable housing development which will inject 67 good quality affordable homes into the city’s housing stock has been officially opened by minister for local government, housing and planning Kevin Stewart MSP. Constructed by Stewart Milne on behalf of Hillcrest, the development at Cou
Linthouse Housing Association has completed work to deliver a multi-million-pound housing improvement contract in Govan. Glasgow-based construction specialist CCG (Scotland) Ltd has been operational at Hutton Drive since early 2018 acting as main contractor where comprehensive tenement improvements
A social housing development in Dundee has been given the green light despite the application not being in accordance with the local development plan. The development by Home Group will see 45 new homes in the Mill o’ Mains area of the city.