A new report has called for a “fundamental review” of local government funding to examine new and alternative sources of revenue. According to a joint paper from Unison Scotland and the Jimmy Reid Foundation, an expansion of local public services is possible with a fairer system of prope
Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) has been recognised by the National Centre for Diversity for its continued investment in equal opportunities. The Association was ranked 63rd in the Top 100 UK Companies for promoting fairness, respect, equality, diversity, inclusion and engagement.
Scotland’s housing minister has been given a progress report on a project to tackle the shortage of mid market rental homes across Scotland. Kevin Stewart MSP was visiting LAR Housing Trust’s multi million pound development at Westwood House in the west of Edinburgh.
Almost £1 million is set to be spent improving more than 200 Dundee homes if councillors give the works the green light. Tenders for replacement boilers at houses in the Dens, Blackness and St Mary’s areas and replacement roofs in parts of Charleston are included in the programme.
This is the final blog in a series reflecting on approaches to delivering alternative tenures in Scotland. In the first post, Professor Moira Munro reflects on the discussion from a recent roundtable; in the second post, Dr Richard Jennings shared his experience of delivering mid-market rent; and in
Six Glasgow architecture practices have tabled innovative proposals to rethink the design of terraced housing. Bigg Regeneration, the joint venture between Scottish Canals and Places for People Capital, and Igloo Regeneration have revealed the resulting plans for a low-carbon, customisable, timber-p
People living in social housing are 20% less likely to have the digital skills they need than people who rent privately. SCVO is kicking off a new project, with opportunities for housing organisations across Scotland to help change this statistic by becoming part of a social housing digital champion
Plans have been lodged to demolish a church in Galashiels to make way for new affordable homes. Cubby Construction has earmarked the site of St Aidan's Church on the junction of Gala Park and St Andrews Street for 24 apartments for rent.
A Spring Family Fun Day has once again helped bring the community together in Castlemilk. A huge turnout of families attended the event organised by Ardenglen Housing Association’s Community Committee with a firm emphasis on enjoyment.
An Edinburgh-based youth homelessness prevention organisation has been chosen by Barratt East as its charity partner of the year as it sets out its corporate social responsibility programme for 2019. Through its mission to support young people in building a better future, The Rock Trust’s visi
Campaigners have raised fears over a fresh wave of asylum seeker evictions after a legal bid to prevent failed asylum seekers being evicted without a court order was dismissed by Scotland’s highest court. The case against the Home Office and its contractor Serco was launched in the name of two
Blairtummock Housing Association is saddened to report the death of Cathie Mulligan on April 10 after a short illness at the age of 75. Cathie joined the management committee of Blairtummock Housing Association in 1995.
Scottish Labour has called on the Scottish Government to use the new powers over social security to ensure automatic payment of the Universal Credit housing element to landlords. Analysis by the party found that fewer than half of eligible households have opted for the direct payments.
A Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership (DGHP) tenant is looking forward to benefitting from her new heating system which was installed this month. Jean Anderson, known as Doris, lives in Eastriggs and welcomed representatives of DGHP and contractors in to her home to celebrate the successful in
This is the third in a series of blog posts reflecting on approaches to delivering alternative tenures in Scotland. In the first post, Professor Moira Munro reflects on the discussion from a recent roundtable; and, in the second post, Dr Richard Jennings shared his experience of delivering mid-marke