Homelessness and a rise in cocaine injecting have been linked to a 10-fold increase in HIV infection among drug users in Glasgow, according to new research. Between 2011 and 2018, the prevalence of HIV among injecting drug users in Greater Glasgow and Clyde increased from 0.1% to 4.8% - and from 1.1
An ambitious five-year investment plan worth £253 million is set to deliver significant improvements to council homes across North Lanarkshire. North Lanarkshire Council said the investment will benefit tenants by cutting energy costs and making their homes more comfortable to live in.
Prevention work by the City of Edinburgh Council has led to a significant reduction in the number of homeless presentations over the last five years. There has been 20.6% reduction over the five year period 2014-15 to 2018-19 and a 2.7% reduction in homeless presentations between 2018-2019 and 2017-
Mike Cooper has announced his retirement from Orkney Care and Repair following a successful and extensive career spanning over 30 years. The service, which helps older people maintain their independence and quality of life at home, has been improving homes and lives in Orkney since 1988 with Mr Coop
Ferguslie Park Housing Association (FPHA) has awarded a contract to carry out common grounds maintenance and grass cutting to tenant’s gardens. Aspire Community Solutions is an award-winning supported business based in Paisley providing a variety of services in ground maintenance and construct
Revised plans for a crucial part of a massive regeneration of Ravenscraig have been approved by the Glasgow City Region councils. North Lanarkshire Council said the Ravenscraig Infrastructure Access (RIA) project will generate more than 6,500 jobs and around £360 million per year for the local
Garrion People’s Housing Cooperative is calling on local businesses or social enterprises to set up shop in its café facility. Operating in the Gowthrapple area of Wishaw, the CentrePoint Community Facility has a kitchen and café space which is currently unoccupied.
Thousands of people in Scotland are struggling with essential household bills especially Council Tax, a debt charity has warned. StepChange Debt Charity Scotland said it was contacted by over 30,000 people last year across every constituency seeking debt help.
School pupils are set to help transform the garden of a Glenrothes retirement housing development, turning it into a relaxing space for tenants, staff and visitors to enjoy. Primary seven pupils from Pitcoudie Primary School have reached out to Bield’s Inchkeith Court, offering to renovate the
HouseMark Scotland’s Specialist Clubs are a part of HouseMark’s programme to support the housing sector to achieve continuous improvement and deliver better outcomes for tenants, customers, wider communities and regulators. Our Clubs content is designed exclusively for the Scottish housi
Cairn Housing Association has completed a new housing development at Railton Crescent in Arbroath. The development helps Cairn deliver on its ambitious five year development programme which is projected to see 400 new homes built across Scotland.
West Highland Housing Association (WHHA) has appointed Oban-based Neil McGougan Ltd as the new contractor for its £4 million major works programme. The works will include the replacement of 150 kitchens, 400 bathrooms, 90 windows and doors and 150 heating upgrades.
The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has launched a new pledge which aims to help more housing organisations tackle domestic abuse. A development of CIH’s original Make a Stand pledge, which is designed for social landlords, the Make a Stand supporters’ pledge is aimed at organisatio
Edinburgh-based care specialist Blackwood has been praised by Scotland’s major regulatory body for helping people with disabilities live life to the fullest. Following an inspection from the Care Inspectorate, Blackwood has received commendation for the significant steps it has taken to improv
Hebridean Housing Partnership (HHP) held an event to mark the retirement of one of its best known and longest serving housing officers. Earlier in the year Magnus Johnson had announced his intention to retire once he reached 60.