A new fund to encourage more people to walk and cycle for everyday journeys is now available for registered social landlords in Scotland. The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) is working in partnership with Cycling Scotland, Living Streets Scotland and Sustrans Scotland to provide &
An innovative new affordable housing project has been completed in the Kinning Park area of Glasgow. Admiral Street, located adjacent to Paisley Road West in the south of the city, was once home to a confectionary factory in the mid-1900s and had been a gap site until being purchased by CCG (Scotlan
Tenants in a community in the north east of Glasgow have called for more people to learn how to save a life. GHA committee member Maggie Nelson and tenant Margaret McQuade joined local butcher Donnie Shaw in Balornock to urge more people to learn how to use a defibrillator.
The number of people left homeless as a result of domestic violence has almost tripled in Aberdeen over the past five years, according to new data. Figures from Aberdeen City Council revealed there were 258 incidents in which people fled their homes after violent or abusive disputes in 2017-18,
Paul Nelis considers the value of having young people take control in their communities… why not! Maryhill Housing Association and YOMO took the bold step to enable young people to lead the PB process for Ruchill and Maryhill. The participatory budgeting (PB) event attracted lots of peop
A developer which had permission to transform a disused Aberdeen office block into a hotel will instead deliver flats at the city centre site. Mandale Construction North had initially proposed to develop the Custom House, on the corner of Guild Street and Stirling Street, into a 105-bedroom hotel.
Projects promoting green living through active travel, habitat restoration, and community growing will benefit from £264,000 of development funding. The Central Scotland Green Network (CSGN) funding was announced by rural affairs and natural environment minister Mairi Gougeon, as she visited o
Maryhill Housing has completed a £35.5 million funding renegotiation with its existing lender Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS). The announcement comes after the Association carried out a full review of its loan financing arrangements in 2018.
A group of Grampian Housing Association tenants have launched the Association’s first tenant-led scrutiny report. The volunteers investigated the tenancy sustainment services, SMART (money advice) and ASSIST (housing support) which are provided to tenants of Grampian, Castlehill and Langstane
A Financial Inclusion Team formed by Govan Housing Association to assist its tenants and the wider community with all matters relating to money and welfare benefit advice is celebrating a successful first year. Within the first 12 months, the enhanced service has generated just over £1.2 milli
Wheatley Group staff are being given new training to help tackle domestic abuse. The housing, property management and care organisation has partnered with national charity SafeLives to train all of its staff in understanding abuse, spotting the signs that a customer could be a victim and knowing how
More than 100 people gathered for a special event in the North Glasgow community to celebrate the work supporting the Growing and Sustaining North Glasgow’s Green Legacy project. The celebration paid tribute to the tremendous work done by individuals, groups, schools and partner organisations
One hundred affordable homes are set to be delivered in Guardbridge as part of a massive expansion of the Fife village. Persimmon Homes North Scotland’s plans to build 335 houses and flats on two fields on the western edge of the village have been given the green light.
Persimmon’s continued efforts to improve its customer care culture and operations are to be assessed in an independent review. Chairman Roger Devlin said the examination will evaluate the effectiveness of the housebuilder’s new measures and processes to determine whether they appropriate
Senior representatives of Scotland’s home building industry have held face-to-face discussions with cabinet secretary for communities and local government Aileen Campbell MSP to discuss the importance of implementing an improved planning system in the midst of ongoing Brexit uncertainty. Facil