The rapid growth of short-term lets such as Airbnb has been a boon to tourists and landlords, yet it could lead to the misappropriation of housing stock and displacement of long-term residents from their communities if left unregulated, new analysis from the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has
Ahead of giving evidence today to the Scottish Parliament’s social security committee inquiry into social security support for housing, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) said that “Universal Credit is creating systemic indebtedness and arrears for new claimants&rdquo
GHA and Provanhall Housing Association are joining forces to build 106 new energy-efficient houses and flats in Easterhouse. The £14 million development, made up of 80 homes for GHA and 26 for Provanhall, should be ready by next autumn.
Plans have been unveiled for a new village with 3,600 homes on a swathe of land surrounding Heriot-Watt University in the west of Edinburgh. Developers said the ‘Riccarton Village’ would be an “exemplar for sustainable development” hosting a community hub, primary school, hea
In this new opinion piece, CIH Scotland’s national director Callum Chomczuk reflects on some of the Scottish findings from CIH’s UK Housing Review 2019. Wanting a home of your own is the most normal thing is the world. We can all relate to the desire to have a place to feel safe, secure
Sixteen Kingdom Housing Association staff are celebrating their success after having completed formal qualifications ranging from SVQ certificates through to degrees. The qualifications included subjects covering: Project Management, Business Studies, Management, Housing, Advice and Guidance, Constr
Planning approval has been granted for 50 new council homes to be built in Elgin. Members of Moray Council’s communities committee unanimously agreed to accept a tender from Springfield Properties to build the homes at Glassgreen on the south of Elgin.
Around 800 tenants of Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership (DGHP) will soon benefit from better energy efficiency and lower heating costs thanks to investment of around £4 million over the next year to insulate and render their homes. The works are part of a two-year, £8m contract w
CALA Homes (West) is set to create hundreds of jobs in Renfrewshire as construction commences on a 195-home new build development in Erskine. Through the delivery of much-needed new homes, the housebuilder is also supporting local communities by creating over 130 jobs a month alongside around 80 ind
Proposals have been put forward for residential development at Crawfield Road in Bo’ness by developers AWG and Mactaggart & Mickel. The development, which amounts to 225 houses, includes the delivery of 75 much-needed affordable homes. It is also proposed that affordable housing be priorit
Relaxing green belt restrictions will make it easier for developers to build on green belt land, writes Colin Lavety, planning director with Barton Willmore. It is a controversial question, but should we be looking at ways of relaxing green belt restrictions to make it easier for developers to build
East Ayrshire Council has adopted the Chartered Institute of Housing’s Make a Stand pledge supporting people experiencing domestic abuse. Developed in partnership with Women’s Aid and the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance, the pledge encourages housing organisations to make a commitment to
A community initiative in Castlemilk involving Cassiltoun Housing Association and Ardenglen Housing Association has again become the recipient of Glasgow City Council’s Food Programme award. Castlemilk Together: Community Food Action is a group of people and organisations working and livi
Savills has launched a new Residential Lettings service in Edinburgh. Charles McCosh has been appointed head of the new team, specialising in the letting and management of flats, townhouses and family homes.
Kingdom Housing Association has competed the first phase of a major £30 million regeneration project with the construction of 53 new social rented homes at Fraser Avenue in Inverkeithing. Local councillors joined Kingdom staff and Board members to visit the project, view the completed homes an