
18676-18690 of 29017 Articles
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Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) has handed over the keys to 23 homes for social rent in Edinburgh’s vibrant neighbourhood of Abbeyhill. PoLHA worked alongside property developer Bellway and architects EMA to create a total of 31 affordable homes, including eight homes for mid market

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Magic was in the air and wands were at the ready as Hillcrest hosted its Harry Potter themed staff conference titled ‘Hillcrest Group and the Chamber of Excellence’ at the Apex Hotel in Dundee. For one day only, Hillcrest’s provision of houses grew to include Hogwarts’ very o

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A major milestone has been reached at the Laurieston Living development in the Gorbals area of Glasgow after the official opening of the first new flatted block of homes. The first residents have now moved into the apartments with developer Urban Union due to hand over more in the coming days.

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Scottish housing businesses are being encouraged to become world leaders in sustainability and embrace the economic opportunities that environmental changes can bring. The VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards (VIBES) is celebrating its 20th year and is calling on Scottish businesses to mark th

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Scotland could be free from the most visible and acute forms of homelessness within three years as the Scottish Government-backed Housing First Pathfinder programme officially ramps up in five cities: Aberdeen/shire, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Stirling. The initiative is joint-funded by par

18676-18690 of 29017 Articles