Hanover Scotland will this week address delegates from across the world at a conference in Spain showcasing its research which it hoped will provide a unique approach in the development and design of services to more closely meet the needs of its residents. In the organisation’s 40th year, Han
Two Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership (DGHP) sheltered housing developments have been voted among the best in the UK. The estates have been praised for helping older people with the recognition of a national award.
A project to help people in social housing get solar panels is to benefit from a share of £13.4 million of low carbon funding. The smart storage project in Aberdeenshire will enable residents in social housing to make the best use of solar panels.
The West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership (WDHSCP) said it has protected frontline services in its budget for 2019/20. The partnership accepted significant funding from both West Dunbartonshire Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) to ensure it could continue focus on p
The first Scottish-only builder to receive a five star rating in an annual Customer Satisfaction Survey has been announced. Perth-based A&J Stephen joins the ranks of other UK “five star” companies following extension of the initiative north of the border in November last year.
Caroline Gillespie reflects on the development of the law on domestic abuse as new legislation comes into force. The law on domestic abuse has changed in Scotland. The Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 is now in force, creating a new crime of engaging in a course of abusive behaviour towards a part
A Lovell housing development site at Kirkhill in Broxburn has received a Bronze award at the Considerate Constructors Scheme’s National Site Awards in Scotland. The development of 230 new homes, which is being built by partnership housing provider Lovell on behalf of West Lothian Council, rece
The Scottish Government has published new guidance for local authorities which has been welcomed as an "important first step" to addressing the shortage of wheelchair accessible housing in Scotland.
The Scottish Housing Regulator today published an engagement plan for every social landlord across Scotland. This marks the first of the changes introduced under the new Regulatory Framework which went live today. The Regulator also published a summary of its engagement plans for social landlords th
Govan Law Centre (GLC) has successfully prevented the eviction of a client and his family from social housing after raising an action for interdict against their landlord. GLC was consulted by a man who was facing homelessness because decree for eviction had been granted against his partner for
New legislation that criminalises psychological domestic abuse and coercive and controlling behaviour has come into force today. An awareness campaign to increase the public’s understanding of the legal nature of domestic abuse and to encourage victims of abuse to seek help has also been launc
Catherine Marnoch, finance manager with Kingdom Housing Association, who started with the association in September 1985, has decided to retire after over 33 years of service. When Catherine started with Kingdom, the association did not have any homes in management and she has witnessed its growth an
A community in Cardonald is celebrating the start of works to create the Halfway Community Park. The project is being led by Southside Housing Association, with support from a range of funders to deliver the £2.2m project.
Aberdeen City Council has said it will review its practices after a padlock was placed on the door of a flat while an undiscovered dead man lay inside. Michael Stewart, 32, was discovered dead in his property on Friday 8 March by police carrying out a welfare check at the request of his mum. He had
A new report has called for consumer services to make it easier for vulnerable customers to register for and access support across different sectors. The Making it Easy: Simpler Registration for Consumers in Vulnerable Situations report has been published by Citizens Advice Scotland.